Studentu 50-147, Kaunas LT-51368 Lithuania
M.Ragulskis, R.Maskeliunas, L.Ragulskis. Plotting moire fringes for circular structures from FEM results. Experimental Techniques. ISSN 0732-8818, Wiley. 2002, vol.26(1), p.31-35.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Ragulskis. Plotting isoclinics for hybrid photoelasticity and finite element analysis. Experimental Mechanics. ISSN 0014-4851, Sage Science Press. 2004, vol.44(3), p.235-240.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, K.Koizumi. Applicability of attractor control techniques for a particle conveyed by a propagating wave. Journal of Vibration and Control. ISSN 1077-5463, Sage Publications. 2004, vol.10(7), p.1057-1071.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Ragulskis, R.Maskeliunas. Applicability of time average geometric moire for vibrating elastic structures. Experimental Techniques. ISSN 0732-8818, Wiley. 2004, vol.28(4), p.27-30.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Bansevicius, A.Fedaravicius, V.Ostasevicius, M.Ragulskis. Development of laser rifle trainer with full shot Imitation. Shock and Vibration. ISSN 1070-9622, IOS Press. 2004, vol.11(2), p.81-88.
[PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Ragulskis. Conjugate approximation with smoothing for hybrid photoelastic and FEM analysis. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering. ISSN 1069-8299. John Wiley & Sons. 2004, vol. 20(8), p.647-653.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis. Coexisting attractors and their control in rotary motion transfer mechanism. Journal of Vibration and Control. ISSN 1077-5463. Sage Publications, 2004, vol. 10, p. 101-113. DOI: 10.1177/107754604031475
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Ragulskis. On interpretation of fringe patterns produced by time average photoelasticity. Experimental Techniques. ISSN 0732-8818, Wiley. 2005, vol.29(3), p.48-51.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, R.Maskeliunas, L.Saunoriene. Identification of in-plane vibrations using time average stochastic moiré. Experimental Techniques. ISSN 0732-8818, Wiley. 2005, vol.29(6), p.41-45.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, R.Maskeliunas, L.Ragulskis, V.Turla. Investigation of dynamic displacements of lithographic press rubber roller by time average geometric moire. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. ISSN 0143-8166, Elsevier. 2005, vol.43(4), p.951-962.
[DOI]V.Ostasevicius, S.Tamulevicius, A.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, R.Palevicius, V.Grigaliunas. Hybrid numerical—experimental approach for investigation of dynamics of microcantilever relay system. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. ISSN 0143-8166, Elsevier. 2005, vol.43(1), p.63-73.
[DOI] [PDF].Ostasevicius, S.Tamulevicius, A. Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, V.Grigaliunas, V.Minialga. Synergy of Contact and Non-Contact Techniques for Design and Characterization of Vibrating MOEMS Elements. Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems. ISSN 1932-5150, SPIE. 2005, vol. 4(4), article no. 041602.
[DOI]M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, L.Ragulskis, A.Fedaravicius. Applicability of time average fluid holography for analysis of propagating waves. Optical Engineering. ISSN 0091-3286, SPIE. 2005, vol. 44(10), article no. 105801.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, V.Kravcenkiene. Adaptive conjugate smoothing of discontinuous fields. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Numerical Analysis and Its Applications: Third International Conference. Springer Verlag. 2005, vol.3401-0463, p.463-470.
[PDF]A.Fedaravicius, M.Ragulskis, Z.Klimavicius. Computational support of the development of a mortar simulator with re-usable shells. 2nd International Conference on Computational Ballistics, MAY 18-20, 2005. WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, vol.40, p.381-389, WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X.
L.Ragulskis, M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, et al. Shearographic technique for NDE analysis of high frequency bending vibrations of microstructures. 3rd Conference on Testing, Reliability, and Application of Micro and Nano-Material Systems, Proc. SPIE. MAR 08-10, 2005, p.118-125, 2005.
[DOI]M.Ragulskis, R.Maskeliunas. Measurement of transverse vibrations of piezoelectric ceramics by atomic force microscopy. Experimental Techniques. ISSN 0732-8818, Wiley. 2006, vol.30(2), p.37-41.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, A.Fedaravicius, K.Ragulskis. Harmonic balance method for FEM analysis of fluid flow in a vibrating pipe. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering. ISSN 1069-8299, Wiley. 2006, vol.22(4), p.347-356.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Saunoriene, J.Ragulskiene. Interpretation of fringes produced by time average reflection moire on a circular disk. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. ISSN 0143-8166, Elsevier. 2006, vol.44(11), p.1209-1218.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Saunoriene. Applicability of optical geometric differentiation for time-average geometric moiré. Strain. ISSN 0039-2103.- 2006, Vol. 42(3), p. 173-179.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Ragulskis. Order adaptive integration rule with equivalently weighted internal nodes. Engineering Computations. ISSN 0264-4401, Emerald Publishing. 2006, vol.23(4), p.368-381.
[DOI] [PDF]V.Kravcenkiene, A.Aleksa, M.Ragulskis, R.Maskeliunas. Choice of smoothing parameter using photo-elastic coatings. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. ISSN 0039-2480, Universitas Labacensis. 2006, vol.52(4), p.237-241.
[PDF]V.Ostasevicius, N.Gitis, A.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, S.Tamulevicius. Hybrid experimental-numerical full-field displacement evaluation for characterization of micro-scale components of mechatronic systems. Solid State Phenomena. ISSN 1662-9779, Scientific Net. 2006, vol.113, p.73-78.
[DOI] [PDF]L.Saunoriene, M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, V.Ostasevicius, G.Janusas. Hybrid numerical-experimental moire technique for analysis of microstructures. Proc. SPIE 6345, Seventh International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications, 2006, article no. 634511.
[DOI]M.Ragulskis, A.Bubulis, K.Ragulskis. Numerical procedure for fluid flow in a pipe performing transverse oscillations. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering. ISSN 1069-8299, John Wiley & Sons. 2007, vol.23, p.335-343.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, K.Ragulskis. The effect of dynamical self-orientation and its applicability for identification of natural frequencies. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer. 2007, vol.50(1-2), p.61-71.
[DOI] [PDF]A.Fedaravicius, V.Jonevicius, M.Ragulskis. Development of mortar simulator with shell-in-shell system – problem of external ballistics. Shock and Vibration. ISSN 1070-9622, IOS Press. 2007, vol.14(5), p.371-376.
[PDF]M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, L.Ragulskis, A.Bubulis. Generalised Abel transform for the analysis of fluid vibration in a tube. Optical Engineering. ISSN 0091-3286, SPIE. 2007, vol.46(6), 065801.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, A.Aleksa, L.Saunoriene. Improved algorithm for image encryption based on stochastic geometric moire and its application. Optics Communications. ISSN 0030-4018, Elsevier. 2007, vol.273(2), p.370-378.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Z.Navickas. Hash function construction based on time average moiré. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B. ISSN 1531-3492, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 2007, vol.8(4), p.1007-1020.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, M.Sanjuan, L.Saunoriene. Applicability of time average moire techniques for chaotic oscillations. Physical Review E. ISSN 1539-3755, American Physical Soc. 2007, vol. 76, article no. 036208.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis. Applicability of time average stochastic moire for cryptographic applications. Experimental Analysis of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures. ISBN 978-1-4020-6238-4. Amsterdam: Springer, 2007, p.335-336.
M.Ragulskis, L.Saunoriene. Order adaptive quadrature rule for real time holography applications. In: Boyanov T., Dimova S., Georgiev K., Nikolov G. (eds) Numerical Methods and Applications. NMA 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4310. ISSN 0302-9743, Springer. 2007, vol.4310, p.685-692.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, V.Ostasevicius, A.Aleksa, A.Palevicius. Hybrid numerical-experimental technique of transverse vibration of fluid in tube. Proceedings of FEDSM2007: 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, July 30 - August 2, 2007, San Diego, California, USA. - ISBN 0-7918-3805-6. - New York, 2007, p.[1-4].
[DOI]R.Bansevicius, A.Busilas, M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, V.Ostasevicius. Development and experimental analysis of piezoelectric optical scanner based on FEM and laser holography. IMAC-XXV: a conference & exposition on structural dynamics, February 19-22, 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA - ISBN 0-912053-96-8. 2007, p.1-8.
[PDF]M.Ragulskis, K.Ragulskis. Algorithm for analysis of periodic oscillations of structural systems with geometric nonlinearity. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering. ISSN 1069-8299, John Wiley & Sons. 2008, vol.24(12), p.1863-1871.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, M.A.F.Sanjuan. Transport of particles by surface waves: a modification of the classical bouncer model. New Journal of Physics. ISSN 1367-2630, Institute of Physics. 2008, issue 10, article No.083017.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, M.A.F.Sanjuan. Chaotic pattern of unsmoothed isochromatics around the regions of concentrated stresses. Computers and Graphics. ISSN 0097-8493, Elsevier. 2008, vol.31(1), p.116-119.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Saunoriene. Generalisations of compound trapeziodal rule. Applied Numerical Mathematics. ISSN 0168-9274, Elsevier. 2008, vol.58(1), p.40-58.
[DOI] [PDF]J.Ragulskiene, E.Sakyte, M.Ragulskis. Traveling wave electrophoresis - construction of numerical model. International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2008. American Institute of Physics Proceedings, vol.1048, p.450-453.
[DOI]M.Ragulskis, A.Aleksa. Image hiding based on time-averaging moire. Optics Communications. ISSN 0030-4018, Elsevier,.2009, vol.282, p.2752-2759.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, A.Aleksa, R.Maskeliunas. Contrast enhancement of time averaged fringes based on moving average mapping functions. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. ISSN 0143-8166, Elsevier. 2009, vol. 47(7-8), p.768-773.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Saunoriene, R.Maskeliunas. The structure of moire grating lines and influence to time averaged fringes. Experimental Techniques. ISSN 0732-8818, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. 2009, vol. march/april, p.60-64.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Z.Navickas. Time average moire - back to the basics. Experimental Mechanics. ISSN 0014-4851, Springer. 2009, vol.49(8), p.439-450.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. How far one can go with the Exp function method? Applied Mathematics and Computations. ISSN 0096-3003, Elsevier. 2009, vol.211(2), p.522-530.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, K.Lukoseviciute. Non-uniform attractor embedding for time series forecasting by fuzzy inference systems. Neurocomputing. ISSN 0925-2312, Elsevier. 2009, vol.72(10-12), p.2618-2626.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis. Time-averaged patterns produced by stochastic moiré gratings. Computers and Graphics. ISSN 0097-8493, Elsevier. 2009, vol.33(2), p.147-150.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, A.Aleksa, Z.Navickas. Image hiding based on time-averaged fringes produced by non-harmonic oscillations. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics. ISSN 1464-4258, Institute of Physics Publishing. 2009, vol.11(12), article no. 125411.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, E.Sakyte. An explicit equation for the dynamics of a particle conveyed by a propagating wave. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems. ISSN 1387-3954, Taylor & Francis. 2009, vol.15(4), p.395-405.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, E.Sakyte, J.Seaone, M.A.F. Sanjuan. A new mechanical model for particle transport by surface waves and applications. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. ISSN 1024-123X, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. 2009, vol.2009, article ID 731358, 17 pages.
[DOI] [PDF]R.P.Bansevičius, A.Lipnickas, M.Ragulskis. New type of multi-degree-of-freedom piezoelectric actuators, based on active kinematic pairs. ICINCO 2009: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, July 2-5, 2009, Milan, Italy. Vol. 2. Robotics and Automation. Setsbal : INSTICC, 2009, p.159-164.
[PDF]J.Ragulskienė, K.Lukoseviciūte, M.Ragulskis. Near-optimal embedding by genetic algorithms for time series prediction. International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2009, Vol. 1, September 18-22, 2009, Rethymno, Crete, Greece. Melville, New York : American Institute of Physics, 2009, p. 148-151.
[DOI]M.Ragulskis, E.Sakytė, A.Palevičius, R.Bendikienė. Thermo photo elasticity: hybrid numerical experimental approach for investigation smart structures. Proceedings of SPIE: Modeling, Signal Processing, and Control for Smart Structures 2009. Bellingham, vol. 7286, article no. 728608.
[DOI]A.Algiment, M.Ragulskis, A.Palevičius, J.Ragulskienė. Adaptive conjugate smoothing of digital images using photo-elastic coatings. Proceedings of SPIE: Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2009. Bellingham, vol.7292, article no. 72924B
[DOI]M.Ragulskis, Z.Navickas, L.Saunorienė, K.Lukoseviciute. Construction of cryptographic hash functions based on time average chaotic map. Journal of Applied Functional Analysis. ISSN 1559-1948, Eudoxus Press LLC. 2009, vol.4(4), p.611-622.
[PDF]A.Aleksa, M.Ragulskis. Time-Averaged Moiré Fringes. Wolfram demonstration.
K.Lukoseviciute, M.Ragulskis. Evolutionary algorithms for the selection of time lags for time series forecasting by fuzzy inference systems. Neurocomputing. ISSN 0925-2312, Elsevier. 2010, vol.73, p.2077-2088.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis, L.Bikulciene. Be careful with the Exp-function method - additional remarks. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN 1007-5704, Elsevier. 2010, vol.15, p.3874-3886.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, L.Bikulciene, M.Ragulskis. Generalization of Exp-function and other standard function based methods. Applied Mathematics and Computations. ISSN 0096-3003, Elsevier. 2010, vol.216(8), p.2380-2393.
[DOI] [PDF]Loreta Saunoriene, Minvydas Ragulskis. Algorithms and Techniques for Time-Averaged Moiré Fringes. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. 2010, Saarbrücken. ISBN 978-3-8383-5700-3, paperback, 148 Pages.
M.Ragulskis, A.Aleksa, J.Ragulskiene. Image hiding based on circular moire fringes. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics. ISSN 1109-2769, WSEAS. 2010, vol.9(2), p.90-99.
M.Ragulskis. Book Review solicited by the Publisher. CHAOS IN STRUCTURAL MECHANICS by Awrejcewicz J. and Krysko V.A.. 1st Edition., 2008, XIII, 424 p. 195 illus., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-540-77675-8. Springer. Series: Understanding Complex Systems.
M.Ragulskis. Book Review solicited by the Publisher. RECENT PROGRESS IN CONTROLLING CHAOS edited by Miguel A.F. Sanjuan and Celso Grebogi. 2010, 431 pp., ISBN-13 978-981-4291-69-9; ISBN-10 981-4291-69-2. World Scientific Publishing. Series on Stability Vibration and Control of Systems, Series B - Vol. 16.
L.Saunoriene, M.Ragulskis. A secure steganographic communication algorithm based on self-organizing patterns. Physical Review E. ISSN 1539-3755, American Physical Soc. 2011, vol. 84(5), article no. 056213.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Z.Navickas. The rank of a sequence as an indicator of chaos in discrete nonlinear dynamical systems. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN 1007-5704, Elsevier. 2011, vol.16, p.2894-2906.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, K.Lukoseviciute, Z.Navickas, R.Palivonaite. Short-term time series forecasting based on the identification of skeleton algebraic sequences. Neurocomputing. ISSN 0925-2312, Elsevier. 2011, vol. 64(10), p.1735-1747.
[DOI] [PDF]E.Sakyte, R.Palivonaite, A.Aleksa, M.Ragulskis. Image hiding based on near-optimal moire gratings. Optics Communications. ISSN 0030-4018, Elsevier. 2011, vol.284, p.3954-3964.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Z.Navickas. Interpretation of fringes produced by time-averaged projection moire. Strain. ISSN 0039-2103, Blackwell Publishing. 2011, vol.47, p.e357-e370.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, R.Smidtaite, A.Vainoras, M.Ragulskis. The logistic map of matrices. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B. ISSN 1531-3492, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 2011, vol.16(3), p.927-944.
[DOI] [PDF]E.Sakyte, M.Ragulskis. Self-calming of a random network of dendritic neurons. Neurocomputing. ISSN 0925-2312, Elsevier. 2011, vol.74(11), p.3912-3920.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Z.Navickas, L.Bikulciene. The solitary solution of the Liouville equation produced by the Exp-function method holds not for all initial conditions. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. ISSN 0898-1221, Elsevier. 2011, vol.62, p367-382.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis, L.Bikulciene. Special solutions of Huxley differential equation. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. ISSN 1392-6292, Taylor & Francis. 2011, vol.16(2), p.248-259.
[DOI] [PDF]Editor Dr. Elhadj Zeraoulia. Book title: Models and Applications of Chaos Theory in Modern Sciences. Science Publishers (USA) ISBN 978-1-57808-722-8. May 2011; 770 pages. A New Mechanical Model for Particle Transport by Surface Waves and Applications: M. Ragulskis, E. Sakyte, J.M. Seoane and M.A.F. Sanjuan in Section VII: Models and Applications of Chaos Theory in Mechanical Sciences.
M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, L.Saunoriene. Chapter Title: Hybrid Numerical-Experimental Holographic Interferometry for Investigation of Nonlinearities in MEMS Dynamics, pp. 303-324. Book Title: Holography, Research and Technologies. Editor: Joseph Rosen. ISBN 978-953-307-227-2, Hard cover, 454 pages, Publisher: InTech, February 2011.
[DOI]V.Petrauskiene, J.Ragulskiene, E.Sakyte, M.Ragulskis. Near-optimal time function for secure dynamic visual cryptography. G. Bebis et al. (Eds.): International Symposium on Visual Computing 2011, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6939, pp.300–309.
[DOI] [PDF]A.Aleksa, V.Petrauskiene, M.Ragulskis. Stochastic Time-Averaged Moiré Fringes. WOLFRAM Demonstration Project. The permanent URL for the Demonstration:
PHYSICS - Spotlighting Exceptional Research. FOCUS: Hiding Secrets in Spontaneous Patterns. Published November 18, 2011. Physics 4, 96 (2011).
[DOI]M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis. Clocking convergence to a stable limit cycle of a periodically driven nonlinear pendulum. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science. SSN 1089-7682, American Institute of Physics. 2012, vol.22, article no. 033138.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, R.Smidtaite, A.Vainoras, M.Ragulskis. The explosive divergence in iterative maps of matrices. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN 1007-5704, Elsevier. 2012, vol.17(11), p.4430-4438.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Z.Navickas, R.Palivonaite, M.Landauskas. Algebraic approach for the exploration of the onset of chaos in discrete nonlinear dynamical systems. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN 1007-5704, Elsevier. 2012, vol.17(11), p.4304-4315.
[DOI] [PDF]V.Petrauskiene, A.Aleksa, A.Fedaravicius, M.Ragulskis. Dynamic visual cryptography for optical control of vibration generation equipment. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. ISSN 0143-8166, Elsevier. 2012, vol.50(6), p.869-876.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Landauskas, J.Ragulskiene, M.Ragulskis. H-rank as a control tool for discrete dynamical systems. International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied MAathematics (ICNAAM 2012), Kos, Greece, Sep. 19-25, 2012, Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.: 1479, p.2098-2101.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, L.Saunoriene, M.Ragulskis. A secure communication system based on self-organizing patterns. Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Security & Management SAM 2012. Editors K.Daimi, H.R.Arabnia, CSREA Press, p.421-426.
[PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. Comments on "Two exact solutions to the general relativistic Binet's equation". Astrophysics Space Sciences. ISSN: 0004-640X, Springer. 2013, vol.334(2), p.281-285.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, L.Bikulciene, M.Rahula, M.Ragulskis. Algebraic operator method for the construction of solitary solutions to nonlinear differential equations. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN 1007-5704, Elsevier. 2013, vol.18(6), p.1374-1389.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Palivonaite, K.Lukoseviciute, M.Ragulskis. Algebraic segmentation of short nonstationary time series based on evolutionary prediction algorithms. Neurocomputing. ISSN 0925-2312, Elsevier. 2013, vol.121, p.354-364.
[DOI] [PDF]A.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, G.Janusas. High frequency excitation for thermal imprint of microstructures into a polymer. Experimental techniques. ISSN 0732-8818, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. 2013, vol.37(5), p.41-47.
[DOI] [PDF]K.Malinauskas, P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, V.Ostasevicius. Validation of noninvasive MOEMS-assisted measurement system based on CCD sensor for radial pulse analysis. Sensors. ISSN 1424-8220, MPDI. 2013, vol.13, p.5368-5380.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Palivonaite, A.Aleksa, M.Ragulskis. Visual Cryptography based on optical image projection. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.152: Innovations and Advances in Computer, Infomation, Systems Sciences, and Engineering. Editors K.Elleithy, T.Sobh. Springer, 2013, part 1, p.431-442.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis. Clocking convergence to Arnold tongues - the H-rank approach. International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2013), Rhodes, Greece, Sep. 21-27, 2013, Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings vol.1558, p.2457.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Palivonaite, A.Fedaravicius, A.Aleksa, M.Ragulskis. Near-optimal moire grating for chaotic dynamic visual cryptography. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8237 "Advances in Visual Informatics", Proceedings of the Third International Visual Informatics Conference, 2013, p.48-58.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis. A pseudo-stable structure in a completely invertible bouncer system. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer. 2014, vol.78(3), p.1629-1643.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Palivonaite, M.Ragulskis. Short-term time series algebraic forecasting with internal smoothing. Neurocomputing. ISSN 0925-2312, Elsevier. 2014, vol.127, p161-171.
[DOI] [PDF]V.Petrauskiene, R.Palivonaite, A.Aleksa, M.Ragulskis. Dynamic visual cryptography based on chaotic oscillations. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN:1007-5704, Elsevier. 2014, vol.19(1), p.112-120.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Ziaukas, T.Ragulskis, M.Ragulskis. Communication scheme based on evolutionary spatial 2x2 games. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. ISSN 0378-4371, Elsevier. 2014, vol.403, p.177-188.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. Comments on "A new algorithm for automatic computation of solitary wave solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations based on the Exp-function method". Applied Mathematics and Computations. ISSN 0096-3003, Elsevier. 2014, vol.243, p.419-425.
[DOI] [PDF]V.Petrauskiene, A.Survila, A.Fedaravicius, M.Ragulskis. Dynamic visual cryptography for optical control of chaotic oscillations. Optics & Laser Technology. ISSN: 0030-3992, Elsevier. 2014, vol.57, p.129-135.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Palivonaite, A.Aleksa, A.Paunksnis, A.Gelzinis and M.Ragulskis. Image hiding in time-averaged deformable moire gratings. Journal of Optics. ISSN 2040-8978, IOPScience. 2014, vol.16, article no. 025401.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, V.Ostasevicius. Applicability of time-averaged holography for micro-electro-mechanical system performing non-linear oscillations. Sensors. ISSN 1424-8220, MPDI. 2014, vol.14(1), p.1805-1821.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Hongyuan Jiang, Quan Quan, A.Fedaravicius, Gongnan Xie. Mechatronics and mechanical engineering in cyber-physical systems. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. ISSN 1687-8132, SAGE Publications. 2014, vol.2014, article no:591629.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Palivonaite, K.Lukoseviciute, M.Ragulskis. Algebraic level-set approach for the segmentation of financial time series. A.I. Esparcia-Alcazar et al. (Eds.): EvoApplications 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences. vol.8602, pp. 239–250, 2014.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, G.Janusas, A.Palevicius. A technique for the reconstruction of a map of continuous curves from interference fringes. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9286, 92861G, p.1-8. Second International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics, edited by Manuel Filipe P. C. Martins Costa, Rogério Nunes Nogueira, 2014 SPIE. CCC code: 0277-786X/14/$18.
[DOI] [PDF]T.Ragulskis, V.Ostasevicius, V.Pilkauskas, M.Ragulskis. Communication scheme based on evolutionary spatial games in the cloud computing environment. Transaction on IoT and Cloud Computing. ICAS Publishing. ISSN 2331-4753. 2014, vol.2(3), p.1-10.
[PDF]M.Vaidelys, J.Ragulskiene, S.Aleksiene, M.Ragulskis. Image hiding in time-averaged moiré gratings on finite element grids. Applied Mathematical Modelling. ISSN 0307-904X, Elsevier. 2015, vol.39, p.5783-5790.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis. Image communication scheme based on dynamic visual cryptography and computer generated holography. Optics Communications. ISSN 0030-4018, Elsevier. 2015, vol.335, p.161-167.
[DOI] [PDF]D.Karaliene, Z.Navickas, R.Ciegis, M.Ragulskis. An extended Prony’s interpolation scheme on an equispaced grid. Open Mathematics. ISSN 2391-5455, De Gruyter. 2015, vol.13, p.333-347.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. Comments on "The exp-function method and generalized solitary solutions". Computers and Mathematics With Applications. ISSN 0898-1221, Elsevier. 2015, vol.69, p.798-803.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Vaidelys, J.Ragulskiene, P.Ziaukas, M.Ragulskis. Image hiding scheme based on the atrial fibrillation model. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI. 2015, vol.5, p.1980-1991.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius. Applicability of Time-Averaged Holography for Reliability Assessment of Chemical Sensors. Chapter 17 (pages 193-203). Book Title: "Nanotechnology in the Security Systems" - NATO Science for Peace and Security - Series C - Environmental Security. Edited by J.Bonza and S.Kruchinin. ISBN 978-94-017-9004-8. Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, 2015.
[PDF]Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. Special multiplicative operators for the solution of ODE - invariants and representations. International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation. ISSN 2223-5329, TAETI. 2015, vol.5(1), p.01-18.
[PDF]T. Telksnys, Z. Navickas, M. Ragulskis, M. Vaidelys. The order of a 2-sequence and the complexity of digital images. Advances in Complex Systems. World Scientific. ISSN: 0219-5259, 2016, vol.19, issue:04n05, article no.1650010 (25 pages).
[DOI] [PDF]R.Ciegis, V.Starikovicius, N.Tumanova, M.Ragulskis. Application of distributed parallel computing for dynamic visual cryptography. The Journal of Supercomputing. ISSN 0920-8542. 2016, vol.72, p.4204-4220.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, R.Vilkas, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. Direct and inverse relationships between Riccati systems coupled with multiplicative terms. Journal of Biological Dynamics. ISSN 1751-3758 , Taylor and Francis. 2016, vol.10, p 297-313.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis, T.Telksnys. Existence of solitary solutions in a class of nonlinear differential equations with polynomial nonlinearity. Applied Mathematics and Computation. ISSN 0096-3003, Elsevier, 2016, vol.283, p.333-338.
[DOI] [PDF]A.P.Fedaravicius, Maosen Cao, M.Ragulskis. Control of a dendritic neuron driven by a phase-independent stimulation. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, ISSN 0960-0779. Elsevier, 2016, vol. 85, p.77-83.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Vaidelys, P.Ziaukas, M.Ragulskis. Competitively coupled maps for hiding secret visual information. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, ISSN 0378-4371, Elsevier. 2016, vol.443, p.91-97.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Palivonaite, K.Lukoseviciute, M.Ragulskis. Short-term time series algebraic forecasting with mixed smoothing. Neurocomputing. ISSN 0925-2312, Elsevier, 2016, vol. 171, p. 854-865.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Marcinkevicius, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis, T.Telksnys. Solitary solutions to a relativistic two-body problem. Astrophysics and Space Science. ISSN:0004-640X, Springer. 2016, vol. 361:201.
[DOI] [PDF]Lu C., Wang Y., Ragulskis M., Cheng Y. Fault diagnosis for rotating machinery: A method based on image processing. PLOS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203, Public Library Science. 2016, vol.11(10), article ID: e0164111.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.E.Munoz, R.Burdzik, J.I.Real, W.H.Hsieh, R.Zimroz. Shock and vibration in transportation engineering. Shock and Vibration. ISSN:1875-9203, Hindawi. 2016, vol.2016, article ID:8457605.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis, R.Marcinkevicius, T.Telksnys. Generalized solitary waves in nonintegrable KdV equations. Journal of Vibroengineering. ISSN 1392-8716, JVE International, 2016, vol.18(2), p.1270‑1279.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, R.Marcinkevicius, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. Existence of second order solitary solutions to Riccati differential equations coupled with a multiplicative term. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics. ISSN 0272-4960, Oxford University Press. 2016, vol. 81, p.1163–1190.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Vaidelys, Chen Lu, Yujie Cheng, M.Ragulskis. Digital image communication scheme based on the breakup of spiral waves. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. ISSN 0378-4371, Elsevier. 2017, vol.467, p.1-10.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Landauskas, Z.Navickas, A.Vainoras and M.Ragulskis. Weighted moving averaging revisited - an algebraic approach. Computational and Applied Mathematics. ISSN 0101-8205, Springer. 2017, vol.36(4), p.1545-1558.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis, R.Marcinkevicius, T.Telksnys. Kink solitary solutions to generalized Riccati equations with polynomial coefficients. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. ISSN 0022-247X, Elsevier. 2017, vol.448(1), p.156-170.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Ziaukas, A.Alabdulgader, A.Vainoras, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. New approach for visualization of relationships between RR and JT intervals. PLoS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203, Public Library Science. 2017, vol.12(4). article ID e0174279.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Ziaukas, M.Ragulskis. Fractal dimension and Wada measure revisited: no straightforward relationships in NDDS. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer. 2017, vol.88, p.871-882.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, A.Aleksa, R.Maskeliunas, M.Ragulskis. Circular geometric moire for degradation prediction of mechanical components performing angular oscillations. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. ISSN 0888-3270, Elsevier. 2017, vol.86(A), p.278-285.
[DOI] [PDF]Z. Navickas, M. Ragulskis, N. Listopadskis, T. Telksnys. Comments on "Soliton solutions to fractional-order nonlinear differential equations based on the exp-function method". Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics. ISSN: 0030-4026, Elsevier. 2017, vol.132, p.223-231.
[DOI] [PDF]I.Timofejeva, R.McCraty, M.Atkinson, R.Joffe, A.Vainoras, A.Alabdulgader, M.Ragulskis. Identification of a group's physiological synchronization with Earth's magnetic field. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. ISSN 1660-4601, MDPI. 2017, vol.14(9), article ID: 998.
[DOI] [PDF]R.McCraty, M.Atkinson, V.Stolc, A.Alabdulgader, A.Vainoras, M.Ragulskis. Synchronization of human autonomic nervous system rhythms with geomagnetic activity in human subjects. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. ISSN 1660-4601, MDPI. 2017, vol.14(7), article ID: 770.
[DOI] [PDF]L.Saunoriene, S.Aleksiene, R.Maskeliunas, M.Ragulskis. Image hiding scheme based on time-averaged elliptic oscillations. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, ISSN 0143-8166, Elsevier. 2017, vol.98, p.83-88.
[DOI] [PDF]Mao-Sen Cao, Yu-Juan Ding, Wei-Xin Ren, Quan Wang, M.Ragulskis, Zhi-Chun Ding. Hierarchical wavelet-aided neural intelligent identification of structural damage in noisy conditions. Applied Sciences. MDPI, ISSN 2076-3417. 2017, vol. 7(4), article ID: 391 (20 pages).
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Lu Chen, G.Song, A.El Sinawi. Intelligent fault diagnosis based on vibration signal analysis. Shock and Vibration. ISSN:1875-9203, Hindawi. 2017, vol.2017, article ID 9186989.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Operator-based approach for the construction of analytical soliton solutions to nonlinear fractional-order differential equations. Chaos Solitons and Fractals. ISSN 0960-0779, Elsevier. 2017, vol.104, p.625-634.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, K.Lokoseviciute, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. Short-term time series forecasting based on internal smoothing of Pade interpolants. Proceedings ITISE 2017. International Work-Conference on Time Series. Granada, 18-20, September, 2017. ISBN: 978-84-17293-01-7, vol.2, p. 974-984.
[PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis, D.Karaliene, T.Telksnys. Weak and strong orders of linear recurring sequences. Computational and Applied Mathematics. ISSN 0101-8205, Springer. 2018, vol.37(3) p. 3539-3561.
[DOI] [PDF]K.Lukoseviciute, R.Baubliene, D.Howard, M.Ragulskis. Bernstein polynomials for adaptive evolutionary prediction of short-term time series. Applied Soft Computing. ISSN 1568-4946, Elsevier. 2018, vol. 65, p. 47-57.
[DOI] [PDF]T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Existence of solitary solutions in systems of PDEs with multiplicative polynomial coupling. Applied Mathematics and Computation. ISSN 0096-3003. Elsevier. 2018, vol.320, p.380-388.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, I.Timofejeva, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. An operator-based approach for the construction of closed-form solutions to fractional differential equations. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. ISSN 1392-6292, Taylor and Francis. 2018, vol.23(4), p.665-685.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Chen Lu, Maosen Cao, Gangbing Song, R.Burdzik. Fault identification, diagnosis, and prognostics based on complex signal analysis. Complexity. ISSN 1099-0526, Wiley - Hindawi. 2018, article ID: 4020729.
[DOI] [PDF]A.Alabdulgader, R.McCraty, M.Atkinson, Y.Dobyns, A.Vainoras, M.Ragulskis, V. Stolc. Long-term study of heart rate variability responses to changes in the solar and geomagnetic environment. Scientific Reports. ISSN 2045-2322. Nature Publishing Group. 2018, article no. 2663.
[DOI] [PDF]Guangqing Lu, L.Saunoriene, S.Aleksiene, M.Ragulskis. Optical image hiding based on chaotic vibration of deformable moire grating. Optics Communications. ISSN 0030-4018, Elsevier, 2018, vol.410, p.457-467.
[DOI] [PDF]Laifa Tao, Chao Yang, Yujie Cheng, Chen Lu, M.Ragulskis. Machine component health prognostics with only truncated histories using geometrical metric approach. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. ISSN 0888-3270, Elsevier. 2018, vo.113, p.168-179.
[DOI] [PDF]I.Timofejeva, K.Poskuviene, Maosen Cao, M.Ragulskis. Synchronization measure based on a geometric approach to attractor embedding using finite observation windows. Complexity. ISSN 1099-0526, Wiley - Hindawi. 2018, article ID: 8259496.
[DOI] [PDF]N.F.Alkayem, Maosen Cao, M.Ragulskis. Damage diagnosis in 3D structures using a novel hybrid multi-objective optimization and FE model updating framework. Complexity. ISSN 1099-0526, Wiley - Hindawi. 2018, article ID 3541676.
[DOI] [PDF]Guangqing Lu, M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis. Control of divergence in an extended invertible logistic map. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. ISSN 0218-1274, World Scientific, 2018, vol.28(10), article no.1850129.
[DOI] [PDF]Guangqing Lu, R.Smidtaite, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. The effect of explosive divergence in a coupled map lattice of matrices. Chaos Solitons and Fractals. ISSN 0960-0779, Elsevier, 2018, vol.113, p.308-313.
[DOI]Mei Tao, K.Poskuviene, N.F.Alkayem, Maosen Cao, M.Ragulskis. Permutation entropy based on non-uniform embedding. Entropy. ISSN 1099-4300, MDPI. 2018, vol. 20(8), article ID: 612.
[DOI] [PDF]Guangqing Lu, L.Saunoriene, A.Gelzinis, V.Petrauskiene, M.Ragulskis. Visual integration of vibrating images in time. Optical Engineering. ISSN 0091-3286, SPIE. 2018, vol.57(9), article no.093107.
[DOI] [PDF]A.Palevicius, G.Janusas, M.Ragulskis, G.Amer. Design, Analysis and Application of Dynamic Visual Cryptography for Visual Inspection of Biomedical Systems. Chapter 17, p.223-232, 2018. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-1304-5_17. In book: Nanostructured Materials for the Detection of CBRN. (352 pages) Book edited by Janez Bonca, Sergei Kruchinin. Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
R.Smidtaite, Guangqing Lu, M.Ragulskis. Image entropy for the identification of chimera states of spatiotemporal divergence in complex coupled maps of matrices. Entropy. ISSN 1099-4300, MDPI. 2019, vol.21(5), article no.523.
[DOI] [PDF]Maosen Cao, N.F.Alkayem, M.Ragulskis. Damage localization in irregular shape structures using intelligent FE model updating approach with a new objective function and social swarm algorithm. Applied Soft Computing. ISSN 1568-4946, Elsevier. 2019, vol.83,
[DOI] [PDF]Xiao-Jun Yang, M.Ragulskis, Thiab Taha. A new general fractional-order derivative with Rabotnov fractional-exponential kernel. Thermal Science. Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia. ISSN 0354-9836. 2019, vol.23 (6 part B), p.3711-3718.
[DOI] [PDF]Wen-Hsiang Hsieh, J.Rozenblit, M.Ragulskis. Guest editorial: Special section on recent advances in data driven modeling. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing. ISSN:1079-8587, TSI Press-USA. 2019, vol.25(2), p.315-317.
[DOI]L.Saunoriene, V.Siauciunaite, A.Vainoras, V.Bertasiute, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. The characterization of the transit through the anaerobic threshold based on relationships between RR and QRS cardiac intervals. PLOS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203, Public Library Science. 2019, 14(5): e0216938.
[DOI] [PDF]T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, I.Timofejeva, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Symmetry breaking in solitary solutions to the Hodgkin-Huxley model. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer, 2019, vol.97(1), p.571-582.
[DOI] [PDF]T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, R.Marcinkevicius, Maosen Cao, M.Ragulskis. Homoclinic and heteroclinic solutions to a hepatitis C evolution model. Open Mathematics. ISSN 2391-5455, De Gruyter. 2019, vol.16(1), p.1537-1555.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, I.Timofejeva, M.Ragulskis. An analytical scheme for the analysis of multi-hump solitons. Advances in Complex Systems. ISSN: 0219-5259, World Scientific, 2019, vol.22(01), article no.1850027.
[DOI] [PDF]Guangqing Lu, A.Cereska, G.Augustinavicius, R.Maskeliunas, M.Ragulskis. Intelligent control and performance evaluation of a novel precise positioning stage. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. ISSN 1064-1246, IOS Press. 2019, vol.36(2), p.1205-1214.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, L.Saunoriene, Maosen Cao, M.Ragulskis. Time-averaged computer generated holography for the estimation of torsional amplitudes of oscillating microdevices. Optics Communications. ISSN 0030-4018, Elsevier, 2019, vol.439, p.260-269.
[DOI] [PDF]Wei Xu, Keqin Ding, M.Ragulskis, Xiang Zhu, Maosen Cao. A segmenting scheme for evaluating exact high-order modes of uniform Timoshenko beams. Applied Acoustics. ISSN: 0003-682X, Elsevier, 2019, vol.150, p.76-80.
[DOI] [PDF]Guangqing Lu, R.Smidtaite, D.Howard, M.Ragulskis. An image hiding scheme in a 2-dimensional coupled map lattice of matrices. Chaos Solitons and Fractals. ISSN 0960-0779, Elsevier, 2019, vol.124, p.78-85.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis. Clustering of ECG segments for patients before sudden cardiac death based on Lagrange descriptors. Vibroengineering Procedia. ISSN 2538-8479, JVE International. 2019, vol.26, p.78-83.
[DOI] [PDF]I.Timofejeva, R.McCraty, M.Ragulskis. Estimation of geometrical synchronization between human heart rate variability and local magnetic field via attractor reconstruction techniques. AIP Conference Proceedings. Conference: CENTRAL EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON THERMOPHYSICS 2019 (CEST) July 2019, 2116(1):450024
[DOI]Z.Rinkevicius, P.Palevicius, M.Kaminskas, K.Bockute, M.Ragulskis, G.Laukaitis. Polarizable coarse grain force field for metallic systems: A discrete interacting multipole model. National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Mar 31-Apr 04, 2019. Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society. ISSN:0065-7727, American Chemical Society, vol.257, abstract no.36.
M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis. Clocking convergence to Arnold tongues - the H-rank approach. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences. ISSN 1935-0090, Natural Sciences Publishing. 2019, vol.13(5), p.799-806.
M.Landauskas, Masoen Cao, M.Ragulskis. Permutation entropy based 2D feature extraction for bearing fault diagnosis. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer-Nature, 2020, vol.102, 1717-1731.
[DOI] [PDF]Xia Zhou, Jun Cheng, Jinde Cao, M.Ragulskis. Asynchronous dissipative filtering for nonhomogeneous Markov switching neural networks with variable packet dropouts. Neural Networks. ISSN 0893-6080, Elsevier. 2020, vol.130, p.229-237.
[DOI]D.Petkeviciute-Gerlach, I.Timofejeva, M.Ragulskis. Clocking convergence of the fractional difference logistic map. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer-Nature, 2020, vol.100(4), p.3925-3935.
[DOI] [PDF]L.Saunoriene, P.Palevicius, G.Laukaitis, M.Trusiak, K.Patorski, M.Ragulskis. Diagnostics measure for roller bearings based on variable moiré gratings. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. ISSN 0143-8166, Elsevier. 2020, vol.133, article no.106137.
[DOI]T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, M.A.F.Sanjuan, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Kink solitary solutions to a hepatitis C evolution model. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B. ISSN 1531-3492, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 2020, vol.25(11), p.4427-4447.
[DOI] [PDF]Tongwei Liu, Hao Xu, M.Ragulskis, Maosen Cao , W.Ostachowicz. A data-driven damage identification framework based on transmissibility function datasets and one-dimensional convolutional neural networks: verification on a structural health monitoring benchmark structure. Sensors. ISSN 1424-8220, MPDI. 2020, vol.20(4),
[DOI] [PDF]T.Telksnys, I.Timofejeva, Z.Navickas, R.Marcinkevicius, R.Mickevicius, M.Ragulskis. Solitary solutions to an androgen-deprivation prostate cancer treatment model. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. ISSN1099-1476, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2020, vol.43(7), p.3995-4006.
[DOI] [PDF]V.Siauciunaite, A.Vainoras, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. Detection of ischemic episodes based on two consecutive declines in the JT/ST algebraic relationship. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI. 2021, vol.11, article no.4805.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Sriubas, V.Kavaliunas, K.Bockute, P.Palevicius, M.Kaminskas, Z.Rinkevicius, M.Ragulskis, G.Laukaitis. Formation of Au nanostructures on the surfaces of annealed TiO2 thin films. Surfaces and Interfases. ISSN 2468-0230, Elsevier, 2021, vol.25, article no.101239.
[DOI]I.Timofejeva, Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. An operator-based scheme for the numerical integration of FDEs. Mathematics. ISSN 2227-7390, MDPI, 2021, vol.9(12), article no.1372 (Featured Paper).
[DOI] [PDF]V.Siauciunaite, M.Ragulskis, A.Vainoras, B.Dabiri, E.Kaniusas. Visualization of complex processes in cardiovascular system during the electrical Auricular Vagus nerve stimulation. Diagnostics. ISSN: 2075-4418, MDPI. 2021, vol.11(12), article no.2190.
[DOI] [PDF]Mayur Pal, P.Palevičius, M.Landauskas, U.Orinaitė, I.Timofejeva, M.Ragulskis. An overview of challenges associated with automatic detection of concrete cracks in the presence of shadows. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI, 2021, vol.11(23), article no.1136.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys , R.Marcinkevicius, Maosen Cao, M.Ragulskis. F-operators for the construction of closed form solutions to linear homogenous PDEs with variable coefficients. Mathematics. ISSN 2227-7390, MDPI, 2021, vol.9,
[DOI] [PDF]I.Timofejeva, R.McCraty, M.Atkinson, A.A.Alabdulgader, A.Vainoras, M.Landauskas, V.Siauciunaite, M.Ragulskis. Global study of human heart rhythm synchronization with the Earth’s time varying magnetic field. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI, 2021, vol.11(7), article no. 2935.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Smidtaite, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. Clocking divergence of iterative maps of matrices. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN 1007-5704, Elsevier. 2021, vol.95,
[DOI] [PDF]Dayang Li, Maosen Cao, Emil Manoach, Hailei Jia, M.Ragulskis, Lei Shen, Ganggang Sha. A multiscale reconstructed attractors-based method for damage identification in cantilever beams under impact hammer excitations. Journal of Sound and Vibration. ISSN 0022-460X, Elsevier, 2021, vol.495,
[DOI]I.Timofejeva, Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, R.Marcinkevicius, Xiao-Jun Yang, M.Ragulskis. The extension of analytic solutions to FDEs to the negative half-line. AIMS Mathematics. ISSN 2473-6988, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2021, vol.6(4), p.3257-3271.
[DOI] [PDF]L.Saunoriene, M.Ragulskis, Jinde Cao, M.A.F. Sanjuan. Wada index based on the weighted and truncated Shannon entropy. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer-Nature, 2021, vol.104(1), p.739-751.
[DOI]Dayang Li, Maosen Cao, E.Manoach, M.Ragulskis. A novel embedding method for characterization of low-dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer-Nature, 2021, vol.104, p.125–148.
[DOI]M.Ragulskis. Book review: General fractional derivatives with applications in viscoelasticity, by Yang, Xiao‐Jun, Gao, Feng, and Ju, Yang, Academic Press, Elsevier, New York, USA. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. ISSN 1099-1476, John Wiley and Sons, 2021, vol.44(8), p.7369-7369.
[DOI]I.Timofejeva, T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Higher order solitary solutions to the meta-model of diffusively coupled Lotka-Volterra systems. Advances in Difference Equations. ISSN 1687-1839, Springer. 2021, vol.2021, article no.133.
[DOI] [PDF]Jan Awrejcewicz, Rajasekar Shanmuganathan, Minvydas Ragulskis. CHAPTER 1 - New Trends and Recent Advances — An Introduction. "Recent Trends in Chaotic, Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics". World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series B. World Scientific. ISBN: 978-981-122-189-7 (hardcover). August 2021, Singapore. Pages: 560.
[DOI] [PDF]Jan Awrejcewicz, Rajasekar Shanmuganathan, Minvydas Ragulskis. Recent Trends in Chaotic, Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics. World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series B. World Scientific. ISBN: 978-981-122-189-7 (hardcover). August 2021, Singapore. Pages: 560.
[DOI]Jan Awrejcewicz, Rajasekar Shanmuganathan, Minvydas Ragulskis. Preface to the Book "Recent Trends in Chaotic, Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics". World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series B. World Scientific. ISBN: 978-981-122-189-7 (hardcover). August 2021, Singapore. Pages: 560.
[DOI] [PDF]I.Timofejeva, A.Alabdulgader, A.Vainoras, R.McCraty, M.Atkinson, V.Siauciunaite, R.Joffe, M.Ragulskis. The variation of geometrical shapes of reconstructed attractors of HRV data before, during and after the Heart Lock-In® experiment. Cardiology & Vascular Research. ISSN 2639-8486, Scivision Publishers. 2021, vol.5(1), p.1-4.
[DOI]R.Marcinkevicius, I.Telksniene, T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. The construction of solutions to CD(1/n) type FDEs via reduction to CD(1/n)n type FDEs. AIMS Mathematics. ISSN 2473-6988, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 2022, vol.7(9), p.16536-16554.
[DOI] [PDF]Tareq Al-hababi, Maosen Cao, N.F.Alkayem, Binkai Shi, Qingyang Wei, Li Cui, D.Šumarac, M.Ragulskis. The dual Fourier transform spectra (DFTS): a new nonlinear damage indicator for identification of breathing cracks in beam-like structures. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer-Nature, 2022, vol.110, p.2611–2633.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Rinkevicius, M.Kaminskas, P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, M.Sriubas, K.Bockute, G.Laukaitis. A polarizable coarse-grained model for metal, metal oxide and composite metal/metal oxide nanoparticles: development and implementation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. ISSN 1463-9076, Royal Society of Chemistry. 2022, vol.24, p.27731-27741.
[DOI]Z.Rinkevicius, M.Kaminskas, P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, K.Bockute, M.Sriubas, G.Laukaitis. A polarizable coarse-grained model for metal, metal oxide and composite metal/metal oxide nanoparticles and its applications. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. ISSN 1463-9076, Royal Society of Chemistry. 2022, vol.24, p.27742-27750.
[DOI]V.Petrauskiene, Mayur Pal, Maosen Cao, Jie Wang, M.Ragulskis. Color recurrence plots for bearing fault diagnosis. Sensors. ISSN 1424-8220, MDPI. 2022, vol.22(22), article no.8870.
[DOI] [PDF]N.W.Qammar, V.Siauciunaite, V.Zabiela, A.Vainoras, M.Ragulskis. Detection of atrial fibrillation episodes based on 3D algebraic relationships between cardiac intervals. Diagnostics. ISSN: 2075-4418, MDPI. 2022, vol.12,
[DOI] [PDF]R.Smidtaite, M.Ragulskis. Commentary: Multidimensional discrete chaotic maps. Frontiers in Physics. ISSN: 2296-424X, Frontiers Media. 2022, vol.10,
[DOI] [PDF]M.Chauhan, P.Mishra, S.Dwivedi, M.Ragulskis, R.Burdzik, V.Ranjan. Development of dynamic stiffness method for the out of plane natural vibration of an orthotropic plate. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI. 2022, vol.12,
[DOI] [PDF]N.Qammar, U.Orinaite, V.Siauciunaite, A.Vainoras, G.Sakalyte, M.Ragulskis. The complexity of the arterial blood pressure regulation during the stress test. Diagnostics. ISSN: 2075-4418, MDPI. 2022, vol.12, article no.1256.
[DOI] [PDF]Lijun Pan, Qiang Song, Jinde Cao, M.Ragulskis. Pinning impulsive synchronization of stochastic delayed neural networks via uniformly stable function. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. ISSN 2162-237X, IEEE, 2022, vol.33(9), p.4491-4501.
[DOI]D. Petkevičiūtė-Gerlach, R. Šmidtaitė and M. Ragulskis. Intermittent bursting in the fractional difference logistic map of matrices. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. ISSN 0218-1274, World Scientific, 2022, vol.32(01), article no.2230002 (Feature Article).
[DOI]Dayang Li, Maosen Cao, E.Manoach, M.Ragulskis. Nonlinear oscillations of cracked large-amplitude vibrating plates subjected to harmonic loads. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer-Nature, 2022, vol.107, p.247-267.
[DOI]I.Timofejeva, G.Laukaitis, Z.Rinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Finite-time stabilization of the fractional model of the driven dissipative nonlinear pendulum. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. ISSN 0218-1274, World Scientific, 2022, vol.32(4),
[DOI]M.Sriubas, K.Bockute, P.Palevicius, M.Kaminskas, Z.Rinkevicius, M.Ragulskis, S.Simonyte, M.Ruzauskas, G.Laukaitis. Antibacterial activity of silver and gold particles formed on titania thin films. Nanomaterials. ISSN 2079-499, MDPI. 2022, vol.12(7),
[DOI] [PDF]T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, I.Timofejeva, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Construction of special soliton solutions to the stochastized Riccati equation. Open Mathematics. De Gruyter, ISSN: 2391-5455, 2022, vol.20(1), p.829-844.
[DOI] [PDF]L.Saunoriene, K.Jablonskaite, J.Ragulskiene, M.Ragulskis. Information hiding based on statistical features of self-organizing patterns. Entropy. ISSN 1099-4300, MDPI. 2022, vol.24, article no.684.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, M.Pal, M.Landauskas, U.Orinaite, I.Timofejeva, M.Ragulskis. Automatic detection of cracks on concrete surfaces in the presence of shadows. Sensors. ISSN 1424-8220, MDPI. 2022, vol.22, article no.3662.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Smidtaite, M.Ragulskis. Spiral waves of divergence in the Barkley model of nilpotent matrices. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. ISSN 0960-0779, Elsevier, 2022, vol.159, article no.112158.
[DOI]M.Ragulskis. Spatio-temporal divergence inthe fractional logistic map of matrices. 25th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. May 30 - June 2, 2022, Druskininkai, Lithuania. Abstracts (Vilnius TECH) eISBN 978-609-476-298-7, p.16
Mayur Pal, P.Makauskas, M.Ragulskis, D.Guerillot. Neural solution to elliptic PDE with discontinuous coefficients for flow in porous media. ECMOR 2022, Sep 2022, vol. 2022, p.1-17.
[DOI]J.Ragulskiene, M.Ragulskis. Exercise notes for the course Nonlinear Dynamical Models. e-ISBN 978-609-02-1819-8. Technologija, 2022, p.56.
[DOI]N.W.Qammar, D.Petronaitis, A.Jokimaitis, M.Ragulskis, V.Smalinskas, G.Ziubryte, G.Jarusevicius, A.Vainoras, R.McCraty. Long observation window reveals the relationship between the local earth magnetic field and acute myocardial infarction. Atmosphere. ISSN 2073-4433, MDPI, 2023, vol.14(8), article no.1234.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Marcinkevicius, I.Telksniene, T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. The step-wise construction of solitary solutions to Riccati equations with diffusive coupling. AIMS Mathematics. ISSN 2473-6988, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 2023, vol.8(12), p.30683–30703.
[DOI] [PDF]I.Telksniene, Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Construction of analytical solutions to systems of two stochastic differential equations. Open Mathematics. De Gruyter, ISSN: 2391-5455, 2023, vol.21,
[DOI] [PDF]E.Uzdila, I.Telksniene, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. Finite-time stabilization of unstable orbits in the fractional difference logistic map. Fractal and Fractional, ISSN:2504-3110, MDPI, 2023, vol.7(8), article no.570.
[DOI] [PDF]Xiaoxiao Lv, Jinde Cao, Xiaodi Li, M.Ragulskis. Event-triggered pinning impulsive control for cluster synchronization of coupled genetic oscillator networks with proportional delay. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Systems. ISSN:2168-2216, IEEE, 2023, vol.53(10), p.6306-6315.
[DOI]U.Orinaitė, V.Karaliūtė, M.Pal, M.Ragulskis. Detecting underwater concrete cracks with machine learning: a clear vision of a murky problem. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI, 2023, vol.13,
[DOI] [PDF]R.Smidtaite, J.Ragulskiene, L.Bikulciene, M.Ragulskis. Hyper coupled map lattices for hiding multiple images. Complexity. ISSN: 1076-2787, Wiley-Hindawi, 2023, vol.2023, art.ID 8831078.
[DOI] [PDF]N.W.Qammar, M.Ragulskis, R.Joffe, A.Vainoras, N.Plonka, M.Atkinson, R.McCraty, C.Stanton, J.Dispenza. The mathematical characterization of the complexity matching during a healing circle meditation. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences. ISSN 1090-0578, The Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences, 2023, vol.23(3), p.259-290.
[DOI]I.Timofeveja, T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, R.Marcinkevicius, R.Mickevicius, M.Ragulskis. Solitary solutions to a metastasis model represented by two systems of coupled Riccati equations. Journal of King Saud University - Science. ISSN 1018-3647, Elsevier. 2023, vol.35, article no.102682.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Smidtaite, L.Saunoriene, M.Ragulskis. Detection of lag synchronization based on matrices of delayed differences. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN 1007-5704, Elsevier. 2023, vol.116, article no.106864.
[DOI]Jinde Cao, Hanjie Liu, Jinren Zhang, M.Ragulskis. Minimum spanning tree brain network topology reflects individual differences in the structure of affective experience. Neurocomputing. ISSN: 0925-2312, Elsevier. 2023, vol.521, p.56–64.
[DOI]L.Saunoriene, M.Ragulskis. A steganographic scheme based on the Wada index. Multimedia Tools and Applications. ISSN 1380-7501, Springer. 2023, vol.82, p.40503–40529.
[DOI] [PDF]I.Ertugrul, O,Ulkir, S.Ersoy, M.Ragulskis. Additive manufactured strain sensor using stereolithography method with photopolymer material. Polymers. ISSN: 2073-4360, MDPI. 2023, vol.15(4), article no.991.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Chauhan, S.Dwivedi, P.Mishra, M.Ragulskis, R.Burdzik, V.Ranjan. Exponential functionally graded plates resting on Winkler-Pasternak foundation: free vibration analysis by dynamic stiffness method. Archive of Applied Mechanics. ISSN 0939-1533, Springer. 2023, vol.93, p.2483–2509.
[DOI]L.Saunoriene, M.Saunoris, M.Ragulskis. Image hiding in stochastic geometric moiré gratings. Mathematics. ISSN 2227-7390, MDPI. 2023, vol.11(8), article no.1763.
[DOI] [PDF]Mingliang Suo, Jingyi Xinga, M.Ragulskis, Yanchen Donga, Yonglan Zhang, Chen Lu. Fault diagnosis of satellite power system based on unsupervised knowledge acquisition and decision-making. Advanced Engineering Informatics. ISSN: 0925-7535 , Elsevier. 2024, vol.62, article no.102768.
[DOI]N.Plonka, M.Atkinson, R.McCraty, G.Comelissen, A.C.Turner, M.Ragulskis, A.Vainoras. Global Study of Long-Term Heart Rhythm Synchronization in Groups. Scientific Reports. ISSN 2045-2322. Nature Publishing Group. 2024, vol.14, article no.28627.
[DOI] [PDF]E.Uzdila, I.Telksniene, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. Computational insights into the unstable fixed point of the fractional difference logistic map. Mathematics. ISSN 2227-7390, MDPI, 2024, vol.12, article no.3635.
[DOI] [PDF]N.Qammar, A.Vainoras, Z.Navickas, G.Jarusevicius, M.Ragulskis. Early diagnosis of atrial fibrillation episodes: comparative analysis of different matrix architectures. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI. 2024, vol.14(14), article no.6191.
[DOI] [PDF]Dayang Li, Maosen Cao, E.Manoach, M.Ragulskis. A nonlinear breathing crack model for characterization of chaotic dynamics of damaged large-amplitude vibrating plates. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. ISSN 0960-0779, Elsevier, 2024, vol.186, article no.115240.
[DOI]N.W.Qammar, M.Ragulskis, L.Saunoriene, R.Smidtaite, A.Vainoras, G.Jarusevicius. Early diagnosis of problems related to the self-organization of the cardiovascular system based on the interplay between RR and JT cardiac intervals. Diagnostics. ISSN: 2075-4418, MDPI. 2022, vol.14, article no.1410.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, I.Timofejeva, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. The fractal structure of analytical solutions to fractional Riccati equation. Fractals - Complex Geometry, Patterns, and Scaling in Nature and Society. World Scientific, ISSN 0128-348X, 2024, vol.32, no.4, article no.2340130.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Burdzik, I.Celinski, M.Ragulskis, V.Ranjan, J.Matijosius. Estimation of vehicle traffic parameters using an optical distance sensor for use in smart city road infrastructure. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks. ISSN 2224-2708, MDPI, 2024, vol.13, 35.
[DOI] [PDF]U.Orinaite, D.Petronaitis, A.Jokimaitis, M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis, A.Vainoras, R.McCarty, M.Atkinson, N.Plonka. Tidal effects on the Schumann resonance amplitudes recorded by the Global Coherence Monitoring System. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI. 2024, vol.14,
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, R.Marcinkevicius, I.Telksniene, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. Structural stability of the Hepatitis C model with the proliferation of infected and uninfected hepatocytes. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, ISSN 1387-3954, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024, vol.30, issue 1, p.51-72.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Smidtaite, M.Ragulskis. Finite-time divergence in Chialvo hyperneuron model of nilpotent matrices. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. ISSN 0960-0779, Elsevier, 2024, vol.179, article no.114482.
[DOI]M.Ragulskis. Preview: Manta ray-inspired robot for detecting damages in underwater concrete structures. Device. Cell Press, ISSN 2666-9986, 2024, vol.2, article no.100368.
[DOI] [PDF]U.Orinaite, I.Telksniene, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. How does the fractional derivative change the complexity of the Caputo standard fractional map. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. ISSN 0218-1274, World Scientific, 2024, vol.34, issue 07, article no.2450085.
[DOI]G.Soundararajan, G.Karnan, A.Kashkynbayev, M.Ragulskis, Chien-Chang Yen. Refined Caputo fractional derivative for non-singular nonlinear systems with delay: its application to suppress the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes via Wolbachia. 14-th AIMS Conference, 16-20 December 2024, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Special Session 4: Delay and Functional Differential Equations and Applications. American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU Abu Dhabi.
[DOI]T.Telksnys, I.Telksnienė, R.Marcinkevičius, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. Constructing solitary solutions to nonlinear differential equations using AI-assisted differentiation operators. DAMSS: 15th conference on data analysis methods for software systems, Druskininkai, Lithuania, November 28-30, 2024. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2024. eISBN 9786090711125. p. 113-114. (Vilnius University Proceedings, eISSN 2669-0233; vol. 52).
[DOI]M.Ragulskis. Solitary solutions to the hepatitis C model with the proliferation of infected and uninfected hepatocytes. MMA2024: 27th international conference "Mathematical modelling and analysis", May 28-31, 2024, Parnu, Estonia: conference programme & abstracts. Tartu : Estonian Mathematical Society, 2024. ISBN 9789916424537. p. 52.
[PDF]M.Ragulskis. Relationships between ECG cardiac intervals: theory and applications. 4-th International Webinar on Cardiology. December 05-06, 2024. Scientex Conferences, Webinar Proceedings, p.48.
[PDF]U.Orinaite, M.Pal, P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis. Deep learning based detection of concrete cracks in critical underwater infrastructure. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI' 2024), 17-19 April 2024, Funchal, Portugal. ISSN: 2938-5350, IFSA Publishing, p.89-90.
[PDF]G.Viliūnas, J.Angelis, G.Brazaitis, M.Gilaitis, S.Keturakis, A.Povilūnas, M.Ragulskis, S.Mačiukaitė-Žvinienė, V.Tatarūnas, G.Tautvaišienė, R.Žiliukaitė. Lietuvos Mokslinių Tyrimų Infrastruktūrų Kelrodis. Lietuvos Mokslo Taryba, ISBN 978-609-462-252-6, 2024.
[PDF]G.Soundararajan, R.Suvetha, M.Ragulskis, P.Prakash. Output sampling synchronization and state estimation in flux-charge domain memristive neural networks with leakage and time-varying delay. Neural Networks. ISSN 0893-6080, Elsevier, 2025, vol.184, article no.107018.
[DOI]L.Saunoriene, Jinde Cao, M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis. Short-term time series prediction based on evolutionary interpolation of Chebyshev polynomials with internal smoothing. Soft Computing. ISSN 1432-7643, Springer. 2025, accepted article in press.
[DOI]U.Orinaite, R.Burdzik, V.Ranjan, M.Ragulskis. Prediction of approaching trains based on H-ranks of track vibration signals. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. ISSN:1467-8667, Wiley. 2025, vol.40(5), p.614-631.
[DOI] [PDF]S.Balaji, N.Plonka, M.Atkinson, M.Muthu, M.Ragulskis, A.Vainoras, R.McCraty. Heart rate variability biofeedback in a global study of the most common coherence frequencies and the impact of emotional states. Scientific Reports. ISSN 2045-2322. Nature Publishing Group. 2025, vol.15, article number 3241.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Ziaukas, A.Alabdulgader, A.Vainoras, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. New approach for visualization of relationships between RR and JT intervals. PLoS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203, Public Library Science. 2017, vol.12(4). article ID e0174279.
[DOI] [PDF]L.Saunoriene, V.Siauciunaite, A.Vainoras, V.Bertasiute, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. The characterization of the transit through the anaerobic threshold based on relationships between RR and QRS cardiac intervals. PLOS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203, Public Library Science. 2019, 14(5): e0216938.
[DOI] [PDF]V.Siauciunaite, A.Vainoras, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. Detection of ischemic episodes based on two consecutive declines in the JT/ST algebraic relationship. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI. 2021, vol.11, article no.4805.
[DOI] [PDF]V.Siauciunaite, M.Ragulskis, A.Vainoras, B.Dabiri, E.Kaniusas. Visualization of complex processes in cardiovascular system during the electrical Auricular Vagus nerve stimulation. Diagnostics. ISSN: 2075-4418, MDPI. 2021, vol.11(12), article no.2190.
[DOI] [PDF]N.W.Qammar, V.Siauciunaite, V.Zabiela, A.Vainoras, M.Ragulskis. Detection of atrial fibrillation episodes based on 3D algebraic relationships between cardiac intervals. Diagnostics. ISSN: 2075-4418, MDPI. 2022, vol.12,
[DOI] [PDF]N.Qammar, U.Orinaite, V.Siauciunaite, A.Vainoras, G.Sakalyte, M.Ragulskis. The complexity of the arterial blood pressure regulation during the stress test. Diagnostics. ISSN: 2075-4418, MDPI. 2022, vol.12, article no.1256.
[DOI] [PDF]N.W.Qammar, M.Ragulskis, R.Joffe, A.Vainoras, N.Plonka, M.Atkinson, R.McCraty, C.Stanton, J.Dispenza. The mathematical characterization of the complexity matching during a healing circle meditation. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences. ISSN 1090-0578, The Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences, 2023, vol.23(3), p.259-290.
[DOI]R.Smidtaite, L.Saunoriene, M.Ragulskis. Detection of lag synchronization based on matrices of delayed differences. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN 1007-5704, Elsevier. 2023, vol.116, article no.106864.
[DOI]N.Plonka, M.Atkinson, R.McCraty, G.Comelissen, A.C.Turner, M.Ragulskis, A.Vainoras. Global Study of Long-Term Heart Rhythm Synchronization in Groups. Scientific Reports. ISSN 2045-2322. Nature Publishing Group. 2024, vol.14, article no.28627.
[DOI] [PDF]N.Qammar, A.Vainoras, Z.Navickas, G.Jarusevicius, M.Ragulskis. Early diagnosis of atrial fibrillation episodes: comparative analysis of different matrix architectures. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI. 2024, vol.14(14), article no.6191.
[DOI] [PDF]N.W.Qammar, M.Ragulskis, L.Saunoriene, R.Smidtaite, A.Vainoras, G.Jarusevicius. Early diagnosis of problems related to the self-organization of the cardiovascular system based on the interplay between RR and JT cardiac intervals. Diagnostics. ISSN: 2075-4418, MDPI. 2022, vol.14, article no.1410.
[DOI] [PDF]S.Balaji, N.Plonka, M.Atkinson, M.Muthu, M.Ragulskis, A.Vainoras, R.McCraty. Heart rate variability biofeedback in a global study of the most common coherence frequencies and the impact of emotional states. Scientific Reports. ISSN 2045-2322. Nature Publishing Group. 2025, vol.15, article number 3241.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis. Clustering of ECG segments for patients before sudden cardiac death based on Lagrange descriptors. Vibroengineering Procedia. ISSN 2538-8479, JVE International. 2019, vol.26, p.78-83.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis. Relationships between ECG cardiac intervals: theory and applications. 4-th International Webinar on Cardiology. December 05-06, 2024. Scientex Conferences, Webinar Proceedings, p.48.
[PDF]I.Timofejeva, A.Alabdulgader, A.Vainoras, R.McCraty, M.Atkinson, V.Siauciunaite, R.Joffe, M.Ragulskis. The variation of geometrical shapes of reconstructed attractors of HRV data before, during and after the Heart Lock-In® experiment. Cardiology & Vascular Research. ISSN 2639-8486, Scivision Publishers. 2021, vol.5(1), p.1-4.
[DOI]Z.Navickas, R.Vilkas, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. Direct and inverse relationships between Riccati systems coupled with multiplicative terms. Journal of Biological Dynamics. ISSN 1751-3758 , Taylor and Francis. 2016, vol.10, p 297-313.
[DOI] [PDF]T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, R.Marcinkevicius, Maosen Cao, M.Ragulskis. Homoclinic and heteroclinic solutions to a hepatitis C evolution model. Open Mathematics. ISSN 2391-5455, De Gruyter. 2019, vol.16(1), p.1537-1555.
[DOI] [PDF]T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, M.A.F.Sanjuan, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Kink solitary solutions to a hepatitis C evolution model. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B. ISSN 1531-3492, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 2020, vol.25(11), p.4427-4447.
[DOI] [PDF]T.Telksnys, I.Timofejeva, Z.Navickas, R.Marcinkevicius, R.Mickevicius, M.Ragulskis. Solitary solutions to an androgen-deprivation prostate cancer treatment model. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. ISSN1099-1476, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2020, vol.43(7), p.3995-4006.
[DOI] [PDF]I.Timofejeva, T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Higher order solitary solutions to the meta-model of diffusively coupled Lotka-Volterra systems. Advances in Difference Equations. ISSN 1687-1839, Springer. 2021, vol.2021, article no.133.
[DOI] [PDF]I.Timofeveja, T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, R.Marcinkevicius, R.Mickevicius, M.Ragulskis. Solitary solutions to a metastasis model represented by two systems of coupled Riccati equations. Journal of King Saud University - Science. ISSN 1018-3647, Elsevier. 2023, vol.35, article no.102682.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, R.Marcinkevicius, I.Telksniene, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. Structural stability of the Hepatitis C model with the proliferation of infected and uninfected hepatocytes. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, ISSN 1387-3954, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024, vol.30, issue 1, p.51-72.
[DOI] [PDF]I.Timofejeva, R.McCraty, M.Atkinson, R.Joffe, A.Vainoras, A.Alabdulgader, M.Ragulskis. Identification of a group's physiological synchronization with Earth's magnetic field. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. ISSN 1660-4601, MDPI. 2017, vol.14(9), article ID: 998.
[DOI] [PDF]R.McCraty, M.Atkinson, V.Stolc, A.Alabdulgader, A.Vainoras, M.Ragulskis. Synchronization of human autonomic nervous system rhythms with geomagnetic activity in human subjects. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. ISSN 1660-4601, MDPI. 2017, vol.14(7), article ID: 770.
[DOI] [PDF]A.Alabdulgader, R.McCraty, M.Atkinson, Y.Dobyns, A.Vainoras, M.Ragulskis, V. Stolc. Long-term study of heart rate variability responses to changes in the solar and geomagnetic environment. Scientific Reports. ISSN 2045-2322. Nature Publishing Group. 2018, article no. 2663.
[DOI] [PDF]I.Timofejeva, R.McCraty, M.Atkinson, A.A.Alabdulgader, A.Vainoras, M.Landauskas, V.Siauciunaite, M.Ragulskis. Global study of human heart rhythm synchronization with the Earth’s time varying magnetic field. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI, 2021, vol.11(7), article no. 2935.
[DOI] [PDF]N.W.Qammar, D.Petronaitis, A.Jokimaitis, M.Ragulskis, V.Smalinskas, G.Ziubryte, G.Jarusevicius, A.Vainoras, R.McCraty. Long observation window reveals the relationship between the local earth magnetic field and acute myocardial infarction. Atmosphere. ISSN 2073-4433, MDPI, 2023, vol.14(8), article no.1234.
[DOI] [PDF]U.Orinaite, D.Petronaitis, A.Jokimaitis, M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis, A.Vainoras, R.McCarty, M.Atkinson, N.Plonka. Tidal effects on the Schumann resonance amplitudes recorded by the Global Coherence Monitoring System. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI. 2024, vol.14,
[DOI] [PDF]I.Timofejeva, R.McCraty, M.Ragulskis. Estimation of geometrical synchronization between human heart rate variability and local magnetic field via attractor reconstruction techniques. AIP Conference Proceedings. Conference: CENTRAL EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON THERMOPHYSICS 2019 (CEST) July 2019, 2116(1):450024
[DOI]E.Sakyte, M.Ragulskis. Self-calming of a random network of dendritic neurons. Neurocomputing. ISSN 0925-2312, Elsevier. 2011, vol.74(11), p.3912-3920.
[DOI] [PDF]A.P.Fedaravicius, Maosen Cao, M.Ragulskis. Control of a dendritic neuron driven by a phase-independent stimulation. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, ISSN 0960-0779. Elsevier, 2016, vol. 85, p.77-83.
[DOI] [PDF]Xia Zhou, Jun Cheng, Jinde Cao, M.Ragulskis. Asynchronous dissipative filtering for nonhomogeneous Markov switching neural networks with variable packet dropouts. Neural Networks. ISSN 0893-6080, Elsevier. 2020, vol.130, p.229-237.
[DOI]Lijun Pan, Qiang Song, Jinde Cao, M.Ragulskis. Pinning impulsive synchronization of stochastic delayed neural networks via uniformly stable function. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. ISSN 2162-237X, IEEE, 2022, vol.33(9), p.4491-4501.
[DOI]Xiaoxiao Lv, Jinde Cao, Xiaodi Li, M.Ragulskis. Event-triggered pinning impulsive control for cluster synchronization of coupled genetic oscillator networks with proportional delay. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Systems. ISSN:2168-2216, IEEE, 2023, vol.53(10), p.6306-6315.
[DOI]Jinde Cao, Hanjie Liu, Jinren Zhang, M.Ragulskis. Minimum spanning tree brain network topology reflects individual differences in the structure of affective experience. Neurocomputing. ISSN: 0925-2312, Elsevier. 2023, vol.521, p.56–64.
[DOI]G.Soundararajan, R.Suvetha, M.Ragulskis, P.Prakash. Output sampling synchronization and state estimation in flux-charge domain memristive neural networks with leakage and time-varying delay. Neural Networks. ISSN 0893-6080, Elsevier, 2025, vol.184, article no.107018.
[DOI]Mayur Pal, P.Palevičius, M.Landauskas, U.Orinaitė, I.Timofejeva, M.Ragulskis. An overview of challenges associated with automatic detection of concrete cracks in the presence of shadows. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI, 2021, vol.11(23), article no.1136.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, M.Pal, M.Landauskas, U.Orinaite, I.Timofejeva, M.Ragulskis. Automatic detection of cracks on concrete surfaces in the presence of shadows. Sensors. ISSN 1424-8220, MDPI. 2022, vol.22, article no.3662.
[DOI] [PDF]U.Orinaitė, V.Karaliūtė, M.Pal, M.Ragulskis. Detecting underwater concrete cracks with machine learning: a clear vision of a murky problem. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI, 2023, vol.13,
[DOI] [PDF]R.Burdzik, I.Celinski, M.Ragulskis, V.Ranjan, J.Matijosius. Estimation of vehicle traffic parameters using an optical distance sensor for use in smart city road infrastructure. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks. ISSN 2224-2708, MDPI, 2024, vol.13, 35.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis. Preview: Manta ray-inspired robot for detecting damages in underwater concrete structures. Device. Cell Press, ISSN 2666-9986, 2024, vol.2, article no.100368.
[DOI] [PDF]U.Orinaite, M.Pal, P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis. Deep learning based detection of concrete cracks in critical underwater infrastructure. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI' 2024), 17-19 April 2024, Funchal, Portugal. ISSN: 2938-5350, IFSA Publishing, p.89-90.
[PDF]Lu C., Wang Y., Ragulskis M., Cheng Y. Fault diagnosis for rotating machinery: A method based on image processing. PLOS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203, Public Library Science. 2016, vol.11(10), article ID: e0164111.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, A.Aleksa, R.Maskeliunas, M.Ragulskis. Circular geometric moire for degradation prediction of mechanical components performing angular oscillations. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. ISSN 0888-3270, Elsevier. 2017, vol.86(A), p.278-285.
[DOI] [PDF]Mao-Sen Cao, Yu-Juan Ding, Wei-Xin Ren, Quan Wang, M.Ragulskis, Zhi-Chun Ding. Hierarchical wavelet-aided neural intelligent identification of structural damage in noisy conditions. Applied Sciences. MDPI, ISSN 2076-3417. 2017, vol. 7(4), article ID: 391 (20 pages).
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Lu Chen, G.Song, A.El Sinawi. Intelligent fault diagnosis based on vibration signal analysis. Shock and Vibration. ISSN:1875-9203, Hindawi. 2017, vol.2017, article ID 9186989.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Chen Lu, Maosen Cao, Gangbing Song, R.Burdzik. Fault identification, diagnosis, and prognostics based on complex signal analysis. Complexity. ISSN 1099-0526, Wiley - Hindawi. 2018, article ID: 4020729.
[DOI] [PDF]Laifa Tao, Chao Yang, Yujie Cheng, Chen Lu, M.Ragulskis. Machine component health prognostics with only truncated histories using geometrical metric approach. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. ISSN 0888-3270, Elsevier. 2018, vo.113, p.168-179.
[DOI] [PDF]N.F.Alkayem, Maosen Cao, M.Ragulskis. Damage diagnosis in 3D structures using a novel hybrid multi-objective optimization and FE model updating framework. Complexity. ISSN 1099-0526, Wiley - Hindawi. 2018, article ID 3541676.
[DOI] [PDF]Maosen Cao, N.F.Alkayem, M.Ragulskis. Damage localization in irregular shape structures using intelligent FE model updating approach with a new objective function and social swarm algorithm. Applied Soft Computing. ISSN 1568-4946, Elsevier. 2019, vol.83,
[DOI] [PDF]M.Landauskas, Masoen Cao, M.Ragulskis. Permutation entropy based 2D feature extraction for bearing fault diagnosis. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer-Nature, 2020, vol.102, 1717-1731.
[DOI] [PDF]L.Saunoriene, P.Palevicius, G.Laukaitis, M.Trusiak, K.Patorski, M.Ragulskis. Diagnostics measure for roller bearings based on variable moiré gratings. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. ISSN 0143-8166, Elsevier. 2020, vol.133, article no.106137.
[DOI]Tongwei Liu, Hao Xu, M.Ragulskis, Maosen Cao , W.Ostachowicz. A data-driven damage identification framework based on transmissibility function datasets and one-dimensional convolutional neural networks: verification on a structural health monitoring benchmark structure. Sensors. ISSN 1424-8220, MPDI. 2020, vol.20(4),
[DOI] [PDF]Dayang Li, Maosen Cao, Emil Manoach, Hailei Jia, M.Ragulskis, Lei Shen, Ganggang Sha. A multiscale reconstructed attractors-based method for damage identification in cantilever beams under impact hammer excitations. Journal of Sound and Vibration. ISSN 0022-460X, Elsevier, 2021, vol.495,
[DOI]Tareq Al-hababi, Maosen Cao, N.F.Alkayem, Binkai Shi, Qingyang Wei, Li Cui, D.Šumarac, M.Ragulskis. The dual Fourier transform spectra (DFTS): a new nonlinear damage indicator for identification of breathing cracks in beam-like structures. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer-Nature, 2022, vol.110, p.2611–2633.
[DOI] [PDF]V.Petrauskiene, Mayur Pal, Maosen Cao, Jie Wang, M.Ragulskis. Color recurrence plots for bearing fault diagnosis. Sensors. ISSN 1424-8220, MDPI. 2022, vol.22(22), article no.8870.
[DOI] [PDF]I.Ertugrul, O,Ulkir, S.Ersoy, M.Ragulskis. Additive manufactured strain sensor using stereolithography method with photopolymer material. Polymers. ISSN: 2073-4360, MDPI. 2023, vol.15(4), article no.991.
[DOI] [PDF]Mingliang Suo, Jingyi Xinga, M.Ragulskis, Yanchen Donga, Yonglan Zhang, Chen Lu. Fault diagnosis of satellite power system based on unsupervised knowledge acquisition and decision-making. Advanced Engineering Informatics. ISSN: 0925-7535 , Elsevier. 2024, vol.62, article no.102768.
[DOI]M.Ragulskis, E.Sakytė, A.Palevičius, R.Bendikienė. Thermo photo elasticity: hybrid numerical experimental approach for investigation smart structures. Proceedings of SPIE: Modeling, Signal Processing, and Control for Smart Structures 2009. Bellingham, vol. 7286, article no. 728608.
[DOI]R.Bansevicius, A.Fedaravicius, V.Ostasevicius, M.Ragulskis. Development of laser rifle trainer with full shot Imitation. Shock and Vibration. ISSN 1070-9622, IOS Press. 2004, vol.11(2), p.81-88.
[PDF]V.Ostasevicius, S.Tamulevicius, A.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, R.Palevicius, V.Grigaliunas. Hybrid numerical—experimental approach for investigation of dynamics of microcantilever relay system. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. ISSN 0143-8166, Elsevier. 2005, vol.43(1), p.63-73.
[DOI] [PDF].Ostasevicius, S.Tamulevicius, A. Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, V.Grigaliunas, V.Minialga. Synergy of Contact and Non-Contact Techniques for Design and Characterization of Vibrating MOEMS Elements. Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems. ISSN 1932-5150, SPIE. 2005, vol. 4(4), article no. 041602.
[DOI]M.Ragulskis, R.Maskeliunas. Measurement of transverse vibrations of piezoelectric ceramics by atomic force microscopy. Experimental Techniques. ISSN 0732-8818, Wiley. 2006, vol.30(2), p.37-41.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, A.Fedaravicius, K.Ragulskis. Harmonic balance method for FEM analysis of fluid flow in a vibrating pipe. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering. ISSN 1069-8299, Wiley. 2006, vol.22(4), p.347-356.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, A.Bubulis, K.Ragulskis. Numerical procedure for fluid flow in a pipe performing transverse oscillations. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering. ISSN 1069-8299, John Wiley & Sons. 2007, vol.23, p.335-343.
[DOI] [PDF]A.Fedaravicius, V.Jonevicius, M.Ragulskis. Development of mortar simulator with shell-in-shell system – problem of external ballistics. Shock and Vibration. ISSN 1070-9622, IOS Press. 2007, vol.14(5), p.371-376.
[PDF]M.Ragulskis, K.Ragulskis. Algorithm for analysis of periodic oscillations of structural systems with geometric nonlinearity. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering. ISSN 1069-8299, John Wiley & Sons. 2008, vol.24(12), p.1863-1871.
[DOI] [PDF]A.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, G.Janusas. High frequency excitation for thermal imprint of microstructures into a polymer. Experimental techniques. ISSN 0732-8818, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. 2013, vol.37(5), p.41-47.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Hongyuan Jiang, Quan Quan, A.Fedaravicius, Gongnan Xie. Mechatronics and mechanical engineering in cyber-physical systems. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. ISSN 1687-8132, SAGE Publications. 2014, vol.2014, article no:591629.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.E.Munoz, R.Burdzik, J.I.Real, W.H.Hsieh, R.Zimroz. Shock and vibration in transportation engineering. Shock and Vibration. ISSN:1875-9203, Hindawi. 2016, vol.2016, article ID:8457605.
[DOI] [PDF]Guangqing Lu, A.Cereska, G.Augustinavicius, R.Maskeliunas, M.Ragulskis. Intelligent control and performance evaluation of a novel precise positioning stage. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. ISSN 1064-1246, IOS Press. 2019, vol.36(2), p.1205-1214.
[DOI] [PDF]Wei Xu, Keqin Ding, M.Ragulskis, Xiang Zhu, Maosen Cao. A segmenting scheme for evaluating exact high-order modes of uniform Timoshenko beams. Applied Acoustics. ISSN: 0003-682X, Elsevier, 2019, vol.150, p.76-80.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Chauhan, P.Mishra, S.Dwivedi, M.Ragulskis, R.Burdzik, V.Ranjan. Development of dynamic stiffness method for the out of plane natural vibration of an orthotropic plate. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI. 2022, vol.12,
[DOI] [PDF]Dayang Li, Maosen Cao, E.Manoach, M.Ragulskis. Nonlinear oscillations of cracked large-amplitude vibrating plates subjected to harmonic loads. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer-Nature, 2022, vol.107, p.247-267.
[DOI]M.Chauhan, S.Dwivedi, P.Mishra, M.Ragulskis, R.Burdzik, V.Ranjan. Exponential functionally graded plates resting on Winkler-Pasternak foundation: free vibration analysis by dynamic stiffness method. Archive of Applied Mechanics. ISSN 0939-1533, Springer. 2023, vol.93, p.2483–2509.
[DOI]U.Orinaite, R.Burdzik, V.Ranjan, M.Ragulskis. Prediction of approaching trains based on H-ranks of track vibration signals. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. ISSN:1467-8667, Wiley. 2025, vol.40(5), p.614-631.
[DOI] [PDF]A.Fedaravicius, M.Ragulskis, Z.Klimavicius. Computational support of the development of a mortar simulator with re-usable shells. 2nd International Conference on Computational Ballistics, MAY 18-20, 2005. WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, vol.40, p.381-389, WIT Press, ISSN 1743-355X.
M.Ragulskis, V.Ostasevicius, A.Aleksa, A.Palevicius. Hybrid numerical-experimental technique of transverse vibration of fluid in tube. Proceedings of FEDSM2007: 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, July 30 - August 2, 2007, San Diego, California, USA. - ISBN 0-7918-3805-6. - New York, 2007, p.[1-4].
[DOI]R.Bansevicius, A.Busilas, M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, V.Ostasevicius. Development and experimental analysis of piezoelectric optical scanner based on FEM and laser holography. IMAC-XXV: a conference & exposition on structural dynamics, February 19-22, 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA - ISBN 0-912053-96-8. 2007, p.1-8.
[PDF]J.Ragulskiene, E.Sakyte, M.Ragulskis. Traveling wave electrophoresis - construction of numerical model. International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2008. American Institute of Physics Proceedings, vol.1048, p.450-453.
[DOI]R.P.Bansevičius, A.Lipnickas, M.Ragulskis. New type of multi-degree-of-freedom piezoelectric actuators, based on active kinematic pairs. ICINCO 2009: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, July 2-5, 2009, Milan, Italy. Vol. 2. Robotics and Automation. Setsbal : INSTICC, 2009, p.159-164.
[PDF]Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Operator-based approach for the construction of analytical soliton solutions to nonlinear fractional-order differential equations. Chaos Solitons and Fractals. ISSN 0960-0779, Elsevier. 2017, vol.104, p.625-634.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, I.Timofejeva, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. An operator-based approach for the construction of closed-form solutions to fractional differential equations. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. ISSN 1392-6292, Taylor and Francis. 2018, vol.23(4), p.665-685.
[DOI] [PDF]Xiao-Jun Yang, M.Ragulskis, Thiab Taha. A new general fractional-order derivative with Rabotnov fractional-exponential kernel. Thermal Science. Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia. ISSN 0354-9836. 2019, vol.23 (6 part B), p.3711-3718.
[DOI] [PDF]D.Petkeviciute-Gerlach, I.Timofejeva, M.Ragulskis. Clocking convergence of the fractional difference logistic map. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer-Nature, 2020, vol.100(4), p.3925-3935.
[DOI] [PDF]I.Timofejeva, Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. An operator-based scheme for the numerical integration of FDEs. Mathematics. ISSN 2227-7390, MDPI, 2021, vol.9(12), article no.1372 (Featured Paper).
[DOI] [PDF]I.Timofejeva, Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, R.Marcinkevicius, Xiao-Jun Yang, M.Ragulskis. The extension of analytic solutions to FDEs to the negative half-line. AIMS Mathematics. ISSN 2473-6988, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2021, vol.6(4), p.3257-3271.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis. Book review: General fractional derivatives with applications in viscoelasticity, by Yang, Xiao‐Jun, Gao, Feng, and Ju, Yang, Academic Press, Elsevier, New York, USA. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. ISSN 1099-1476, John Wiley and Sons, 2021, vol.44(8), p.7369-7369.
[DOI]D. Petkevičiūtė-Gerlach, R. Šmidtaitė and M. Ragulskis. Intermittent bursting in the fractional difference logistic map of matrices. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. ISSN 0218-1274, World Scientific, 2022, vol.32(01), article no.2230002 (Feature Article).
[DOI]I.Timofejeva, G.Laukaitis, Z.Rinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Finite-time stabilization of the fractional model of the driven dissipative nonlinear pendulum. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. ISSN 0218-1274, World Scientific, 2022, vol.32(4),
[DOI]E.Uzdila, I.Telksniene, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. Finite-time stabilization of unstable orbits in the fractional difference logistic map. Fractal and Fractional, ISSN:2504-3110, MDPI, 2023, vol.7(8), article no.570.
[DOI] [PDF]E.Uzdila, I.Telksniene, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. Computational insights into the unstable fixed point of the fractional difference logistic map. Mathematics. ISSN 2227-7390, MDPI, 2024, vol.12, article no.3635.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, I.Timofejeva, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. The fractal structure of analytical solutions to fractional Riccati equation. Fractals - Complex Geometry, Patterns, and Scaling in Nature and Society. World Scientific, ISSN 0128-348X, 2024, vol.32, no.4, article no.2340130.
[DOI] [PDF]U.Orinaite, I.Telksniene, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. How does the fractional derivative change the complexity of the Caputo standard fractional map. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. ISSN 0218-1274, World Scientific, 2024, vol.34, issue 07, article no.2450085.
[DOI]G.Soundararajan, G.Karnan, A.Kashkynbayev, M.Ragulskis, Chien-Chang Yen. Refined Caputo fractional derivative for non-singular nonlinear systems with delay: its application to suppress the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes via Wolbachia. 14-th AIMS Conference, 16-20 December 2024, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Special Session 4: Delay and Functional Differential Equations and Applications. American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU Abu Dhabi.
[DOI]Z.Navickas, R.Smidtaite, A.Vainoras, M.Ragulskis. The logistic map of matrices. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B. ISSN 1531-3492, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 2011, vol.16(3), p.927-944.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, R.Smidtaite, A.Vainoras, M.Ragulskis. The explosive divergence in iterative maps of matrices. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN 1007-5704, Elsevier. 2012, vol.17(11), p.4430-4438.
[DOI] [PDF]Guangqing Lu, R.Smidtaite, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. The effect of explosive divergence in a coupled map lattice of matrices. Chaos Solitons and Fractals. ISSN 0960-0779, Elsevier, 2018, vol.113, p.308-313.
[DOI]R.Smidtaite, Guangqing Lu, M.Ragulskis. Image entropy for the identification of chimera states of spatiotemporal divergence in complex coupled maps of matrices. Entropy. ISSN 1099-4300, MDPI. 2019, vol.21(5), article no.523.
[DOI] [PDF]Guangqing Lu, R.Smidtaite, D.Howard, M.Ragulskis. An image hiding scheme in a 2-dimensional coupled map lattice of matrices. Chaos Solitons and Fractals. ISSN 0960-0779, Elsevier, 2019, vol.124, p.78-85.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Smidtaite, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. Clocking divergence of iterative maps of matrices. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN 1007-5704, Elsevier. 2021, vol.95,
[DOI] [PDF]R.Smidtaite, M.Ragulskis. Commentary: Multidimensional discrete chaotic maps. Frontiers in Physics. ISSN: 2296-424X, Frontiers Media. 2022, vol.10,
[DOI] [PDF]R.Smidtaite, M.Ragulskis. Spiral waves of divergence in the Barkley model of nilpotent matrices. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. ISSN 0960-0779, Elsevier, 2022, vol.159, article no.112158.
[DOI]R.Smidtaite, J.Ragulskiene, L.Bikulciene, M.Ragulskis. Hyper coupled map lattices for hiding multiple images. Complexity. ISSN: 1076-2787, Wiley-Hindawi, 2023, vol.2023, art.ID 8831078.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Smidtaite, M.Ragulskis. Finite-time divergence in Chialvo hyperneuron model of nilpotent matrices. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. ISSN 0960-0779, Elsevier, 2024, vol.179, article no.114482.
[DOI]M.Ragulskis. Spatio-temporal divergence inthe fractional logistic map of matrices. 25th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. May 30 - June 2, 2022, Druskininkai, Lithuania. Abstracts (Vilnius TECH) eISBN 978-609-476-298-7, p.16
Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. How far one can go with the Exp function method? Applied Mathematics and Computations. ISSN 0096-3003, Elsevier. 2009, vol.211(2), p.522-530.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis, L.Bikulciene. Be careful with the Exp-function method - additional remarks. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN 1007-5704, Elsevier. 2010, vol.15, p.3874-3886.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, L.Bikulciene, M.Ragulskis. Generalization of Exp-function and other standard function based methods. Applied Mathematics and Computations. ISSN 0096-3003, Elsevier. 2010, vol.216(8), p.2380-2393.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Z.Navickas, L.Bikulciene. The solitary solution of the Liouville equation produced by the Exp-function method holds not for all initial conditions. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. ISSN 0898-1221, Elsevier. 2011, vol.62, p367-382.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis, L.Bikulciene. Special solutions of Huxley differential equation. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. ISSN 1392-6292, Taylor & Francis. 2011, vol.16(2), p.248-259.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. Comments on "Two exact solutions to the general relativistic Binet's equation". Astrophysics Space Sciences. ISSN: 0004-640X, Springer. 2013, vol.334(2), p.281-285.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, L.Bikulciene, M.Rahula, M.Ragulskis. Algebraic operator method for the construction of solitary solutions to nonlinear differential equations. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN 1007-5704, Elsevier. 2013, vol.18(6), p.1374-1389.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. Comments on "A new algorithm for automatic computation of solitary wave solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations based on the Exp-function method". Applied Mathematics and Computations. ISSN 0096-3003, Elsevier. 2014, vol.243, p.419-425.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. Comments on "The exp-function method and generalized solitary solutions". Computers and Mathematics With Applications. ISSN 0898-1221, Elsevier. 2015, vol.69, p.798-803.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis, T.Telksnys. Existence of solitary solutions in a class of nonlinear differential equations with polynomial nonlinearity. Applied Mathematics and Computation. ISSN 0096-3003, Elsevier, 2016, vol.283, p.333-338.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Marcinkevicius, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis, T.Telksnys. Solitary solutions to a relativistic two-body problem. Astrophysics and Space Science. ISSN:0004-640X, Springer. 2016, vol. 361:201.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis, R.Marcinkevicius, T.Telksnys. Generalized solitary waves in nonintegrable KdV equations. Journal of Vibroengineering. ISSN 1392-8716, JVE International, 2016, vol.18(2), p.1270‑1279.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, R.Marcinkevicius, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. Existence of second order solitary solutions to Riccati differential equations coupled with a multiplicative term. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics. ISSN 0272-4960, Oxford University Press. 2016, vol. 81, p.1163–1190.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis, R.Marcinkevicius, T.Telksnys. Kink solitary solutions to generalized Riccati equations with polynomial coefficients. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. ISSN 0022-247X, Elsevier. 2017, vol.448(1), p.156-170.
[DOI] [PDF]Z. Navickas, M. Ragulskis, N. Listopadskis, T. Telksnys. Comments on "Soliton solutions to fractional-order nonlinear differential equations based on the exp-function method". Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics. ISSN: 0030-4026, Elsevier. 2017, vol.132, p.223-231.
[DOI] [PDF]T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Existence of solitary solutions in systems of PDEs with multiplicative polynomial coupling. Applied Mathematics and Computation. ISSN 0096-3003. Elsevier. 2018, vol.320, p.380-388.
[DOI] [PDF]T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, I.Timofejeva, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Symmetry breaking in solitary solutions to the Hodgkin-Huxley model. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer, 2019, vol.97(1), p.571-582.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, I.Timofejeva, M.Ragulskis. An analytical scheme for the analysis of multi-hump solitons. Advances in Complex Systems. ISSN: 0219-5259, World Scientific, 2019, vol.22(01), article no.1850027.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Marcinkevicius, I.Telksniene, T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. The construction of solutions to CD(1/n) type FDEs via reduction to CD(1/n)n type FDEs. AIMS Mathematics. ISSN 2473-6988, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 2022, vol.7(9), p.16536-16554.
[DOI] [PDF]T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, I.Timofejeva, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Construction of special soliton solutions to the stochastized Riccati equation. Open Mathematics. De Gruyter, ISSN: 2391-5455, 2022, vol.20(1), p.829-844.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Marcinkevicius, I.Telksniene, T.Telksnys, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. The step-wise construction of solitary solutions to Riccati equations with diffusive coupling. AIMS Mathematics. ISSN 2473-6988, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 2023, vol.8(12), p.30683–30703.
[DOI] [PDF]I.Telksniene, Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, R.Marcinkevicius, M.Ragulskis. Construction of analytical solutions to systems of two stochastic differential equations. Open Mathematics. De Gruyter, ISSN: 2391-5455, 2023, vol.21,
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys, M.Ragulskis. Special multiplicative operators for the solution of ODE - invariants and representations. International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation. ISSN 2223-5329, TAETI. 2015, vol.5(1), p.01-18.
[PDF]T.Telksnys, I.Telksnienė, R.Marcinkevičius, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. Constructing solitary solutions to nonlinear differential equations using AI-assisted differentiation operators. DAMSS: 15th conference on data analysis methods for software systems, Druskininkai, Lithuania, November 28-30, 2024. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2024. eISBN 9786090711125. p. 113-114. (Vilnius University Proceedings, eISSN 2669-0233; vol. 52).
[DOI]M.Ragulskis. Solitary solutions to the hepatitis C model with the proliferation of infected and uninfected hepatocytes. MMA2024: 27th international conference "Mathematical modelling and analysis", May 28-31, 2024, Parnu, Estonia: conference programme & abstracts. Tartu : Estonian Mathematical Society, 2024. ISBN 9789916424537. p. 52.
[PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Ragulskis. Order adaptive integration rule with equivalently weighted internal nodes. Engineering Computations. ISSN 0264-4401, Emerald Publishing. 2006, vol.23(4), p.368-381.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Saunoriene. Generalisations of compound trapeziodal rule. Applied Numerical Mathematics. ISSN 0168-9274, Elsevier. 2008, vol.58(1), p.40-58.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, K.Lukoseviciute. Non-uniform attractor embedding for time series forecasting by fuzzy inference systems. Neurocomputing. ISSN 0925-2312, Elsevier. 2009, vol.72(10-12), p.2618-2626.
[DOI] [PDF]K.Lukoseviciute, M.Ragulskis. Evolutionary algorithms for the selection of time lags for time series forecasting by fuzzy inference systems. Neurocomputing. ISSN 0925-2312, Elsevier. 2010, vol.73, p.2077-2088.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, K.Lukoseviciute, Z.Navickas, R.Palivonaite. Short-term time series forecasting based on the identification of skeleton algebraic sequences. Neurocomputing. ISSN 0925-2312, Elsevier. 2011, vol. 64(10), p.1735-1747.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Palivonaite, K.Lukoseviciute, M.Ragulskis. Algebraic segmentation of short nonstationary time series based on evolutionary prediction algorithms. Neurocomputing. ISSN 0925-2312, Elsevier. 2013, vol.121, p.354-364.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Palivonaite, M.Ragulskis. Short-term time series algebraic forecasting with internal smoothing. Neurocomputing. ISSN 0925-2312, Elsevier. 2014, vol.127, p161-171.
[DOI] [PDF]D.Karaliene, Z.Navickas, R.Ciegis, M.Ragulskis. An extended Prony’s interpolation scheme on an equispaced grid. Open Mathematics. ISSN 2391-5455, De Gruyter. 2015, vol.13, p.333-347.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Palivonaite, K.Lukoseviciute, M.Ragulskis. Short-term time series algebraic forecasting with mixed smoothing. Neurocomputing. ISSN 0925-2312, Elsevier, 2016, vol. 171, p. 854-865.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Landauskas, Z.Navickas, A.Vainoras and M.Ragulskis. Weighted moving averaging revisited - an algebraic approach. Computational and Applied Mathematics. ISSN 0101-8205, Springer. 2017, vol.36(4), p.1545-1558.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis, D.Karaliene, T.Telksnys. Weak and strong orders of linear recurring sequences. Computational and Applied Mathematics. ISSN 0101-8205, Springer. 2018, vol.37(3) p. 3539-3561.
[DOI] [PDF]K.Lukoseviciute, R.Baubliene, D.Howard, M.Ragulskis. Bernstein polynomials for adaptive evolutionary prediction of short-term time series. Applied Soft Computing. ISSN 1568-4946, Elsevier. 2018, vol. 65, p. 47-57.
[DOI] [PDF]L.Saunoriene, Jinde Cao, M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis. Short-term time series prediction based on evolutionary interpolation of Chebyshev polynomials with internal smoothing. Soft Computing. ISSN 1432-7643, Springer. 2025, accepted article in press.
[DOI]J.Ragulskienė, K.Lukoseviciūte, M.Ragulskis. Near-optimal embedding by genetic algorithms for time series prediction. International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2009, Vol. 1, September 18-22, 2009, Rethymno, Crete, Greece. Melville, New York : American Institute of Physics, 2009, p. 148-151.
[DOI]R.Palivonaite, K.Lukoseviciute, M.Ragulskis. Algebraic level-set approach for the segmentation of financial time series. A.I. Esparcia-Alcazar et al. (Eds.): EvoApplications 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences. vol.8602, pp. 239–250, 2014.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, K.Lokoseviciute, Z.Navickas, M.Ragulskis. Short-term time series forecasting based on internal smoothing of Pade interpolants. Proceedings ITISE 2017. International Work-Conference on Time Series. Granada, 18-20, September, 2017. ISBN: 978-84-17293-01-7, vol.2, p. 974-984.
[PDF]M.Ragulskis, K.Koizumi. Applicability of attractor control techniques for a particle conveyed by a propagating wave. Journal of Vibration and Control. ISSN 1077-5463, Sage Publications. 2004, vol.10(7), p.1057-1071.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis. Coexisting attractors and their control in rotary motion transfer mechanism. Journal of Vibration and Control. ISSN 1077-5463. Sage Publications, 2004, vol. 10, p. 101-113. DOI: 10.1177/107754604031475
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, K.Ragulskis. The effect of dynamical self-orientation and its applicability for identification of natural frequencies. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer. 2007, vol.50(1-2), p.61-71.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, M.A.F.Sanjuan. Transport of particles by surface waves: a modification of the classical bouncer model. New Journal of Physics. ISSN 1367-2630, Institute of Physics. 2008, issue 10, article No.083017.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, M.A.F.Sanjuan. Chaotic pattern of unsmoothed isochromatics around the regions of concentrated stresses. Computers and Graphics. ISSN 0097-8493, Elsevier. 2008, vol.31(1), p.116-119.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, E.Sakyte. An explicit equation for the dynamics of a particle conveyed by a propagating wave. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems. ISSN 1387-3954, Taylor & Francis. 2009, vol.15(4), p.395-405.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, E.Sakyte, J.Seaone, M.A.F. Sanjuan. A new mechanical model for particle transport by surface waves and applications. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. ISSN 1024-123X, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. 2009, vol.2009, article ID 731358, 17 pages.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Z.Navickas. The rank of a sequence as an indicator of chaos in discrete nonlinear dynamical systems. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN 1007-5704, Elsevier. 2011, vol.16, p.2894-2906.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis. Clocking convergence to a stable limit cycle of a periodically driven nonlinear pendulum. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science. SSN 1089-7682, American Institute of Physics. 2012, vol.22, article no. 033138.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Z.Navickas, R.Palivonaite, M.Landauskas. Algebraic approach for the exploration of the onset of chaos in discrete nonlinear dynamical systems. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN 1007-5704, Elsevier. 2012, vol.17(11), p.4304-4315.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis. A pseudo-stable structure in a completely invertible bouncer system. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer. 2014, vol.78(3), p.1629-1643.
[DOI] [PDF]I.Timofejeva, K.Poskuviene, Maosen Cao, M.Ragulskis. Synchronization measure based on a geometric approach to attractor embedding using finite observation windows. Complexity. ISSN 1099-0526, Wiley - Hindawi. 2018, article ID: 8259496.
[DOI] [PDF]Guangqing Lu, M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis. Control of divergence in an extended invertible logistic map. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. ISSN 0218-1274, World Scientific, 2018, vol.28(10), article no.1850129.
[DOI] [PDF]Mei Tao, K.Poskuviene, N.F.Alkayem, Maosen Cao, M.Ragulskis. Permutation entropy based on non-uniform embedding. Entropy. ISSN 1099-4300, MDPI. 2018, vol. 20(8), article ID: 612.
[DOI] [PDF]Dayang Li, Maosen Cao, E.Manoach, M.Ragulskis. A novel embedding method for characterization of low-dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer-Nature, 2021, vol.104, p.125–148.
[DOI]Dayang Li, Maosen Cao, E.Manoach, M.Ragulskis. A nonlinear breathing crack model for characterization of chaotic dynamics of damaged large-amplitude vibrating plates. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. ISSN 0960-0779, Elsevier, 2024, vol.186, article no.115240.
[DOI]Editor Dr. Elhadj Zeraoulia. Book title: Models and Applications of Chaos Theory in Modern Sciences. Science Publishers (USA) ISBN 978-1-57808-722-8. May 2011; 770 pages. A New Mechanical Model for Particle Transport by Surface Waves and Applications: M. Ragulskis, E. Sakyte, J.M. Seoane and M.A.F. Sanjuan in Section VII: Models and Applications of Chaos Theory in Mechanical Sciences.
Jan Awrejcewicz, Rajasekar Shanmuganathan, Minvydas Ragulskis. CHAPTER 1 - New Trends and Recent Advances — An Introduction. "Recent Trends in Chaotic, Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics". World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series B. World Scientific. ISBN: 978-981-122-189-7 (hardcover). August 2021, Singapore. Pages: 560.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis. Clocking convergence to Arnold tongues - the H-rank approach. International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2013), Rhodes, Greece, Sep. 21-27, 2013, Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings vol.1558, p.2457.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis. Book Review solicited by the Publisher. CHAOS IN STRUCTURAL MECHANICS by Awrejcewicz J. and Krysko V.A.. 1st Edition., 2008, XIII, 424 p. 195 illus., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-540-77675-8. Springer. Series: Understanding Complex Systems.
M.Ragulskis. Book Review solicited by the Publisher. RECENT PROGRESS IN CONTROLLING CHAOS edited by Miguel A.F. Sanjuan and Celso Grebogi. 2010, 431 pp., ISBN-13 978-981-4291-69-9; ISBN-10 981-4291-69-2. World Scientific Publishing. Series on Stability Vibration and Control of Systems, Series B - Vol. 16.
M.Landauskas, M.Ragulskis. Clocking convergence to Arnold tongues - the H-rank approach. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences. ISSN 1935-0090, Natural Sciences Publishing. 2019, vol.13(5), p.799-806.
Jan Awrejcewicz, Rajasekar Shanmuganathan, Minvydas Ragulskis. Recent Trends in Chaotic, Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics. World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series B. World Scientific. ISBN: 978-981-122-189-7 (hardcover). August 2021, Singapore. Pages: 560.
[DOI]Jan Awrejcewicz, Rajasekar Shanmuganathan, Minvydas Ragulskis. Preface to the Book "Recent Trends in Chaotic, Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics". World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series B. World Scientific. ISBN: 978-981-122-189-7 (hardcover). August 2021, Singapore. Pages: 560.
[DOI] [PDF]J.Ragulskiene, M.Ragulskis. Exercise notes for the course Nonlinear Dynamical Models. e-ISBN 978-609-02-1819-8. Technologija, 2022, p.56.
[DOI]M.Ragulskis, L.Ragulskis. Conjugate approximation with smoothing for hybrid photoelastic and FEM analysis. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering. ISSN 1069-8299. John Wiley & Sons. 2004, vol. 20(8), p.647-653.
[DOI] [PDF]V.Kravcenkiene, A.Aleksa, M.Ragulskis, R.Maskeliunas. Choice of smoothing parameter using photo-elastic coatings. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. ISSN 0039-2480, Universitas Labacensis. 2006, vol.52(4), p.237-241.
[PDF]T. Telksnys, Z. Navickas, M. Ragulskis, M. Vaidelys. The order of a 2-sequence and the complexity of digital images. Advances in Complex Systems. World Scientific. ISSN: 0219-5259, 2016, vol.19, issue:04n05, article no.1650010 (25 pages).
[DOI] [PDF]P.Ziaukas, M.Ragulskis. Fractal dimension and Wada measure revisited: no straightforward relationships in NDDS. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer. 2017, vol.88, p.871-882.
[DOI] [PDF]Wen-Hsiang Hsieh, J.Rozenblit, M.Ragulskis. Guest editorial: Special section on recent advances in data driven modeling. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing. ISSN:1079-8587, TSI Press-USA. 2019, vol.25(2), p.315-317.
[DOI]M.Sriubas, V.Kavaliunas, K.Bockute, P.Palevicius, M.Kaminskas, Z.Rinkevicius, M.Ragulskis, G.Laukaitis. Formation of Au nanostructures on the surfaces of annealed TiO2 thin films. Surfaces and Interfases. ISSN 2468-0230, Elsevier, 2021, vol.25, article no.101239.
[DOI]Z.Navickas, T.Telksnys , R.Marcinkevicius, Maosen Cao, M.Ragulskis. F-operators for the construction of closed form solutions to linear homogenous PDEs with variable coefficients. Mathematics. ISSN 2227-7390, MDPI, 2021, vol.9,
[DOI] [PDF]L.Saunoriene, M.Ragulskis, Jinde Cao, M.A.F. Sanjuan. Wada index based on the weighted and truncated Shannon entropy. Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X, Springer-Nature, 2021, vol.104(1), p.739-751.
[DOI]Z.Rinkevicius, M.Kaminskas, P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, M.Sriubas, K.Bockute, G.Laukaitis. A polarizable coarse-grained model for metal, metal oxide and composite metal/metal oxide nanoparticles: development and implementation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. ISSN 1463-9076, Royal Society of Chemistry. 2022, vol.24, p.27731-27741.
[DOI]Z.Rinkevicius, M.Kaminskas, P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, K.Bockute, M.Sriubas, G.Laukaitis. A polarizable coarse-grained model for metal, metal oxide and composite metal/metal oxide nanoparticles and its applications. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. ISSN 1463-9076, Royal Society of Chemistry. 2022, vol.24, p.27742-27750.
[DOI]M.Sriubas, K.Bockute, P.Palevicius, M.Kaminskas, Z.Rinkevicius, M.Ragulskis, S.Simonyte, M.Ruzauskas, G.Laukaitis. Antibacterial activity of silver and gold particles formed on titania thin films. Nanomaterials. ISSN 2079-499, MDPI. 2022, vol.12(7),
[DOI] [PDF]L.Saunoriene, M.Ragulskis. A steganographic scheme based on the Wada index. Multimedia Tools and Applications. ISSN 1380-7501, Springer. 2023, vol.82, p.40503–40529.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, V.Kravcenkiene. Adaptive conjugate smoothing of discontinuous fields. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Numerical Analysis and Its Applications: Third International Conference. Springer Verlag. 2005, vol.3401-0463, p.463-470.
[PDF]A.Algiment, M.Ragulskis, A.Palevičius, J.Ragulskienė. Adaptive conjugate smoothing of digital images using photo-elastic coatings. Proceedings of SPIE: Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2009. Bellingham, vol.7292, article no. 72924B
[DOI]M.Landauskas, J.Ragulskiene, M.Ragulskis. H-rank as a control tool for discrete dynamical systems. International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied MAathematics (ICNAAM 2012), Kos, Greece, Sep. 19-25, 2012, Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.: 1479, p.2098-2101.
[DOI] [PDF]Z.Rinkevicius, P.Palevicius, M.Kaminskas, K.Bockute, M.Ragulskis, G.Laukaitis. Polarizable coarse grain force field for metallic systems: A discrete interacting multipole model. National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Mar 31-Apr 04, 2019. Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society. ISSN:0065-7727, American Chemical Society, vol.257, abstract no.36.
Mayur Pal, P.Makauskas, M.Ragulskis, D.Guerillot. Neural solution to elliptic PDE with discontinuous coefficients for flow in porous media. ECMOR 2022, Sep 2022, vol. 2022, p.1-17.
[DOI]G.Viliūnas, J.Angelis, G.Brazaitis, M.Gilaitis, S.Keturakis, A.Povilūnas, M.Ragulskis, S.Mačiukaitė-Žvinienė, V.Tatarūnas, G.Tautvaišienė, R.Žiliukaitė. Lietuvos Mokslinių Tyrimų Infrastruktūrų Kelrodis. Lietuvos Mokslo Taryba, ISBN 978-609-462-252-6, 2024.
[PDF]L.Saunoriene, M.Ragulskis. A secure steganographic communication algorithm based on self-organizing patterns. Physical Review E. ISSN 1539-3755, American Physical Soc. 2011, vol. 84(5), article no. 056213.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Ziaukas, T.Ragulskis, M.Ragulskis. Communication scheme based on evolutionary spatial 2x2 games. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. ISSN 0378-4371, Elsevier. 2014, vol.403, p.177-188.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Vaidelys, J.Ragulskiene, P.Ziaukas, M.Ragulskis. Image hiding scheme based on the atrial fibrillation model. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI. 2015, vol.5, p.1980-1991.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Vaidelys, P.Ziaukas, M.Ragulskis. Competitively coupled maps for hiding secret visual information. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, ISSN 0378-4371, Elsevier. 2016, vol.443, p.91-97.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Vaidelys, Chen Lu, Yujie Cheng, M.Ragulskis. Digital image communication scheme based on the breakup of spiral waves. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. ISSN 0378-4371, Elsevier. 2017, vol.467, p.1-10.
[DOI] [PDF]L.Saunoriene, K.Jablonskaite, J.Ragulskiene, M.Ragulskis. Information hiding based on statistical features of self-organizing patterns. Entropy. ISSN 1099-4300, MDPI. 2022, vol.24, article no.684.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, L.Saunoriene, M.Ragulskis. A secure communication system based on self-organizing patterns. Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Security & Management SAM 2012. Editors K.Daimi, H.R.Arabnia, CSREA Press, p.421-426.
[PDF]T.Ragulskis, V.Ostasevicius, V.Pilkauskas, M.Ragulskis. Communication scheme based on evolutionary spatial games in the cloud computing environment. Transaction on IoT and Cloud Computing. ICAS Publishing. ISSN 2331-4753. 2014, vol.2(3), p.1-10.
[PDF]PHYSICS - Spotlighting Exceptional Research. FOCUS: Hiding Secrets in Spontaneous Patterns. Published November 18, 2011. Physics 4, 96 (2011).
[DOI]M.Ragulskis, A.Aleksa, L.Saunoriene. Improved algorithm for image encryption based on stochastic geometric moire and its application. Optics Communications. ISSN 0030-4018, Elsevier. 2007, vol.273(2), p.370-378.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Z.Navickas. Hash function construction based on time average moiré. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B. ISSN 1531-3492, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 2007, vol.8(4), p.1007-1020.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, A.Aleksa. Image hiding based on time-averaging moire. Optics Communications. ISSN 0030-4018, Elsevier,.2009, vol.282, p.2752-2759.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, A.Aleksa, Z.Navickas. Image hiding based on time-averaged fringes produced by non-harmonic oscillations. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics. ISSN 1464-4258, Institute of Physics Publishing. 2009, vol.11(12), article no. 125411.
[DOI] [PDF]E.Sakyte, R.Palivonaite, A.Aleksa, M.Ragulskis. Image hiding based on near-optimal moire gratings. Optics Communications. ISSN 0030-4018, Elsevier. 2011, vol.284, p.3954-3964.
[DOI] [PDF]V.Petrauskiene, A.Aleksa, A.Fedaravicius, M.Ragulskis. Dynamic visual cryptography for optical control of vibration generation equipment. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. ISSN 0143-8166, Elsevier. 2012, vol.50(6), p.869-876.
[DOI] [PDF]V.Petrauskiene, R.Palivonaite, A.Aleksa, M.Ragulskis. Dynamic visual cryptography based on chaotic oscillations. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ISSN:1007-5704, Elsevier. 2014, vol.19(1), p.112-120.
[DOI] [PDF]V.Petrauskiene, A.Survila, A.Fedaravicius, M.Ragulskis. Dynamic visual cryptography for optical control of chaotic oscillations. Optics & Laser Technology. ISSN: 0030-3992, Elsevier. 2014, vol.57, p.129-135.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Palivonaite, A.Aleksa, A.Paunksnis, A.Gelzinis and M.Ragulskis. Image hiding in time-averaged deformable moire gratings. Journal of Optics. ISSN 2040-8978, IOPScience. 2014, vol.16, article no. 025401.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Vaidelys, J.Ragulskiene, S.Aleksiene, M.Ragulskis. Image hiding in time-averaged moiré gratings on finite element grids. Applied Mathematical Modelling. ISSN 0307-904X, Elsevier. 2015, vol.39, p.5783-5790.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis. Image communication scheme based on dynamic visual cryptography and computer generated holography. Optics Communications. ISSN 0030-4018, Elsevier. 2015, vol.335, p.161-167.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Ciegis, V.Starikovicius, N.Tumanova, M.Ragulskis. Application of distributed parallel computing for dynamic visual cryptography. The Journal of Supercomputing. ISSN 0920-8542. 2016, vol.72, p.4204-4220.
[DOI] [PDF]L.Saunoriene, S.Aleksiene, R.Maskeliunas, M.Ragulskis. Image hiding scheme based on time-averaged elliptic oscillations. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, ISSN 0143-8166, Elsevier. 2017, vol.98, p.83-88.
[DOI] [PDF]Guangqing Lu, L.Saunoriene, S.Aleksiene, M.Ragulskis. Optical image hiding based on chaotic vibration of deformable moire grating. Optics Communications. ISSN 0030-4018, Elsevier, 2018, vol.410, p.457-467.
[DOI] [PDF]L.Saunoriene, M.Saunoris, M.Ragulskis. Image hiding in stochastic geometric moiré gratings. Mathematics. ISSN 2227-7390, MDPI. 2023, vol.11(8), article no.1763.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis. Applicability of time average stochastic moire for cryptographic applications. Experimental Analysis of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures. ISBN 978-1-4020-6238-4. Amsterdam: Springer, 2007, p.335-336.
A.Palevicius, G.Janusas, M.Ragulskis, G.Amer. Design, Analysis and Application of Dynamic Visual Cryptography for Visual Inspection of Biomedical Systems. Chapter 17, p.223-232, 2018. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-1304-5_17. In book: Nanostructured Materials for the Detection of CBRN. (352 pages) Book edited by Janez Bonca, Sergei Kruchinin. Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
V.Petrauskiene, J.Ragulskiene, E.Sakyte, M.Ragulskis. Near-optimal time function for secure dynamic visual cryptography. G. Bebis et al. (Eds.): International Symposium on Visual Computing 2011, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6939, pp.300–309.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Palivonaite, A.Aleksa, M.Ragulskis. Visual Cryptography based on optical image projection. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.152: Innovations and Advances in Computer, Infomation, Systems Sciences, and Engineering. Editors K.Elleithy, T.Sobh. Springer, 2013, part 1, p.431-442.
[DOI] [PDF]R.Palivonaite, A.Fedaravicius, A.Aleksa, M.Ragulskis. Near-optimal moire grating for chaotic dynamic visual cryptography. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8237 "Advances in Visual Informatics", Proceedings of the Third International Visual Informatics Conference, 2013, p.48-58.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Z.Navickas, L.Saunorienė, K.Lukoseviciute. Construction of cryptographic hash functions based on time average chaotic map. Journal of Applied Functional Analysis. ISSN 1559-1948, Eudoxus Press LLC. 2009, vol.4(4), p.611-622.
[PDF]M.Ragulskis, A.Aleksa, J.Ragulskiene. Image hiding based on circular moire fringes. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics. ISSN 1109-2769, WSEAS. 2010, vol.9(2), p.90-99.
M.Ragulskis, R.Maskeliunas, L.Ragulskis. Plotting moire fringes for circular structures from FEM results. Experimental Techniques. ISSN 0732-8818, Wiley. 2002, vol.26(1), p.31-35.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, L.Ragulskis. Plotting holographic interferograms for visualisation of dynamic results from finite element calculations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. ISSN 0029-5981, John Wiley & Sons. 2003, vol.56, p.1647-1659.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Ragulskis. Plotting isoclinics for hybrid photoelasticity and finite element analysis. Experimental Mechanics. ISSN 0014-4851, Sage Science Press. 2004, vol.44(3), p.235-240.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Ragulskis, R.Maskeliunas. Applicability of time average geometric moire for vibrating elastic structures. Experimental Techniques. ISSN 0732-8818, Wiley. 2004, vol.28(4), p.27-30.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Ragulskis. On interpretation of fringe patterns produced by time average photoelasticity. Experimental Techniques. ISSN 0732-8818, Wiley. 2005, vol.29(3), p.48-51.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, R.Maskeliunas, L.Saunoriene. Identification of in-plane vibrations using time average stochastic moiré. Experimental Techniques. ISSN 0732-8818, Wiley. 2005, vol.29(6), p.41-45.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, R.Maskeliunas, L.Ragulskis, V.Turla. Investigation of dynamic displacements of lithographic press rubber roller by time average geometric moire. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. ISSN 0143-8166, Elsevier. 2005, vol.43(4), p.951-962.
[DOI]M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, L.Ragulskis, A.Fedaravicius. Applicability of time average fluid holography for analysis of propagating waves. Optical Engineering. ISSN 0091-3286, SPIE. 2005, vol. 44(10), article no. 105801.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Saunoriene, J.Ragulskiene. Interpretation of fringes produced by time average reflection moire on a circular disk. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. ISSN 0143-8166, Elsevier. 2006, vol.44(11), p.1209-1218.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Saunoriene. Applicability of optical geometric differentiation for time-average geometric moiré. Strain. ISSN 0039-2103.- 2006, Vol. 42(3), p. 173-179.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, L.Ragulskis, A.Bubulis. Generalised Abel transform for the analysis of fluid vibration in a tube. Optical Engineering. ISSN 0091-3286, SPIE. 2007, vol.46(6), 065801.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, M.Sanjuan, L.Saunoriene. Applicability of time average moire techniques for chaotic oscillations. Physical Review E. ISSN 1539-3755, American Physical Soc. 2007, vol. 76, article no. 036208.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, A.Aleksa, R.Maskeliunas. Contrast enhancement of time averaged fringes based on moving average mapping functions. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. ISSN 0143-8166, Elsevier. 2009, vol. 47(7-8), p.768-773.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, L.Saunoriene, R.Maskeliunas. The structure of moire grating lines and influence to time averaged fringes. Experimental Techniques. ISSN 0732-8818, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. 2009, vol. march/april, p.60-64.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Z.Navickas. Time average moire - back to the basics. Experimental Mechanics. ISSN 0014-4851, Springer. 2009, vol.49(8), p.439-450.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis. Time-averaged patterns produced by stochastic moiré gratings. Computers and Graphics. ISSN 0097-8493, Elsevier. 2009, vol.33(2), p.147-150.
[DOI] [PDF]M.Ragulskis, Z.Navickas. Interpretation of fringes produced by time-averaged projection moire. Strain. ISSN 0039-2103, Blackwell Publishing. 2011, vol.47, p.e357-e370.
[DOI] [PDF]K.Malinauskas, P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, V.Ostasevicius. Validation of noninvasive MOEMS-assisted measurement system based on CCD sensor for radial pulse analysis. Sensors. ISSN 1424-8220, MPDI. 2013, vol.13, p.5368-5380.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, V.Ostasevicius. Applicability of time-averaged holography for micro-electro-mechanical system performing non-linear oscillations. Sensors. ISSN 1424-8220, MPDI. 2014, vol.14(1), p.1805-1821.
[DOI] [PDF]Guangqing Lu, L.Saunoriene, A.Gelzinis, V.Petrauskiene, M.Ragulskis. Visual integration of vibrating images in time. Optical Engineering. ISSN 0091-3286, SPIE. 2018, vol.57(9), article no.093107.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, L.Saunoriene, Maosen Cao, M.Ragulskis. Time-averaged computer generated holography for the estimation of torsional amplitudes of oscillating microdevices. Optics Communications. ISSN 0030-4018, Elsevier, 2019, vol.439, p.260-269.
[DOI] [PDF]Loreta Saunoriene, Minvydas Ragulskis. Algorithms and Techniques for Time-Averaged Moiré Fringes. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. 2010, Saarbrücken. ISBN 978-3-8383-5700-3, paperback, 148 Pages.
M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, L.Saunoriene. Chapter Title: Hybrid Numerical-Experimental Holographic Interferometry for Investigation of Nonlinearities in MEMS Dynamics, pp. 303-324. Book Title: Holography, Research and Technologies. Editor: Joseph Rosen. ISBN 978-953-307-227-2, Hard cover, 454 pages, Publisher: InTech, February 2011.
[DOI]P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius. Applicability of Time-Averaged Holography for Reliability Assessment of Chemical Sensors. Chapter 17 (pages 193-203). Book Title: "Nanotechnology in the Security Systems" - NATO Science for Peace and Security - Series C - Environmental Security. Edited by J.Bonza and S.Kruchinin. ISBN 978-94-017-9004-8. Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, 2015.
[PDF]L.Ragulskis, M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, et al. Shearographic technique for NDE analysis of high frequency bending vibrations of microstructures. 3rd Conference on Testing, Reliability, and Application of Micro and Nano-Material Systems, Proc. SPIE. MAR 08-10, 2005, p.118-125, 2005.
[DOI]V.Ostasevicius, N.Gitis, A.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, S.Tamulevicius. Hybrid experimental-numerical full-field displacement evaluation for characterization of micro-scale components of mechatronic systems. Solid State Phenomena. ISSN 1662-9779, Scientific Net. 2006, vol.113, p.73-78.
[DOI] [PDF]L.Saunoriene, M.Ragulskis, A.Palevicius, V.Ostasevicius, G.Janusas. Hybrid numerical-experimental moire technique for analysis of microstructures. Proc. SPIE 6345, Seventh International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications, 2006, article no. 634511.
[DOI]M.Ragulskis, L.Saunoriene. Order adaptive quadrature rule for real time holography applications. In: Boyanov T., Dimova S., Georgiev K., Nikolov G. (eds) Numerical Methods and Applications. NMA 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4310. ISSN 0302-9743, Springer. 2007, vol.4310, p.685-692.
[DOI] [PDF]P.Palevicius, M.Ragulskis, G.Janusas, A.Palevicius. A technique for the reconstruction of a map of continuous curves from interference fringes. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9286, 92861G, p.1-8. Second International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics, edited by Manuel Filipe P. C. Martins Costa, Rogério Nunes Nogueira, 2014 SPIE. CCC code: 0277-786X/14/$18.
[DOI] [PDF]A.Aleksa, M.Ragulskis. Time-Averaged Moiré Fringes. Wolfram demonstration.
A.Aleksa, V.Petrauskiene, M.Ragulskis. Stochastic Time-Averaged Moiré Fringes. WOLFRAM Demonstration Project. The permanent URL for the Demonstration:
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